forty nine

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"C'mon, goof," Lauren laughed, rolling her eyes and pulling Presley away from the large mirror in the airport. "We're gonna miss our flight if you two don't hurry up."

"Party pooper," Camila mumbled, getting up from her knees in front of the mirror and shooting Lauren a playful look. The green eyed girl just scoffed half heartedly and nudged Camila's suitcase towards her.

"If we miss this flight, you're losing your ride home," Lauren teased, raising an eyebrow at her wife as she grabbed Presley before the smaller girl could become distracted by the gumball machine a few feet away. Presley giggled, holding tightly to the ladybug backpack in her arms and smiling excitedly up at Lauren.

"How do they make the airplanes fly?" Presley asked, bouncing up and down in Lauren's arms as the two girls jogged to their gate. They'd gotten distracted on the way there because Lauren insisted on stopping and waiting for a small gopher to cross the street.

Not to mention, the three feet of snow on the ground that made traffic slow to almost a complete stop. Lauren figured that's what they got for traveling a few days before Christmas.

"Magic," Lauren laughed softly, using her free hand to fix the winter hat on the girl's head . Presley was practically hidden in her winter clothing, bundled behind her bright purple coat and boots, with a white scarf hanging from her neck. "I think they-crap, Camz!" she pointed towards the line of people boarding their plane.

They had to practically sprint to get in line at the gate. Setting Presley down, Lauren quickly handed the two girls their tickets, nudging Presley forwards to hand it to the woman scanning them.

Looking up at Lauren for approval, Presley clutched her ticket in her gloved hand and shyly held it out to the woman, who scanned it and gave the girl a small smile. Once Lauren and Camila did the same, they followed the crowd of people down the skywalk and found their seats in the middle of the plane.

"I want the window!" Presley glanced up at them excitedly. Lauren just laughed, nudging her forwards and exchanging glances with Camila when she realized they both couldn't sit next to the smaller girl.

"Go ahead," Lauren laughed, moving aside so Camila could take the seat inbetween them. She knew the girl had been excited about taking Presley on her first flight, even if she hadn't said it aloud.

"You sure?" Camila raised an eyebrow and tilted her head to the side slightly.

Lauren simply nodded. "As long as I get to sit next to one of you," she teased, nudging Camila forwards. "We can switch on the way back if you want."

"I'm scared."

Presley's tiny voice interrupted their small discussion, and both girls paused to look at the girl in the seat. She'd pulled the blind on the window up, observed the wing of the plane, and then come to the realization that this is what would be taking them to Florida.

Exchanging glances, Lauren quietly nudged Camila into the row of chairs so she could take her seat on the end.

"Here," the green eyed girl reached into her backpack and pulled something out, reaching over and placing it in Presley's lap.

"Sunny?" the smaller girl's eyes lit up and she looked at Lauren excitedly.

"I made sure you wouldn't forget him," Lauren laughed and glanced at Camila, who just smiled softly back at her. "He'll keep us safe. He kept this one safe for a long time," she laughed and nodded towards Camila.

Ten minutes after their flight took off, both Camila and Presley (and Sunny) were fast asleep. Lauren just admired the image of her small family, holding Camila's hand in her own and watching as the city of New York disappeared beneath them.

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