Chapter 3 | Part 2: the memory

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I was laying down under a tree in a dark forest. The trees grew so high that I couldn't see daylight. I was a baby, bundled in a blanket. I had been there all day, abandoned or forgotten, and I started to cry. I wailed and wailed crying for help, no words were coming out for I was only just 6 months old. I thought this was it, I wasn't going to make it, I was alone and cold and hungry, when I heard a sound. A wheezing deep, engine-sort of sound. Bright light filled my eyes, and a blue box appeared, the door opened with a squeak, and a man walked out, looking confused. I let out another small wail, and he looked down.
   At first he looked frightened, he walked around in a circle thinking to himself, and then he turned to me quickly,
"Shh shh, ah, just don't, just, don't move stay there," he said nervously and ran into the big blue box. He came back out moments later carrying a wooden contraption. It was a baby crib. It was old and worn, yet beautiful. It had drawings engraved along the side, and stars hanging all around it.
"Look!" he said, full of excitement. I cooed in response, which seemed to please him. He went back in his box and set the crib down, and came back out for me. He bent down, and gently placed his hands around me, then lifting me up and holding me close to him. He smiled,
"Hello, little pup, I'm the Doctor,"
And that's how our story began. My vision zoomed, and I caught glimpses of amazing things. Planets and stars and many different faces. Although one did appear quite more often than the others. A woman, with huge curly blonde hair, and a soft strong voice. Her name was River, and the Doctor loved her, and she loved him, and they loved me. We had a small family. They realized what U was, and accepted it. I was a werewolf, abandoned by my pack, and taken in by a Time Lord and his wife. We would go on adventures, and have fun. I saw they took me, twice a month, to the Royal Families palace, they were like me to. The family helped me learn to control my power, and over time realized there was something special about me, I was a pure wolf, meaning I could go into full wolf form at my own command.
   Then the vision slowed, I was watching myself in the TARDIS, I was around eight years old by the looms of it.  I was working at a desk trying to build something. My own sonic screwdriver. All of the sudden a smooth, gentle voice whispered my name. I followed it, and it led me to the console of the Tardis. It was drawing me closer and closer to a panel in the side. I placed my hand on it, and it slowly opened, fog seeping out. I looked in, and all I could see was bright, endless light. I leaned in closer, and felt a hand push me in, I fell into the endless light. And I saw everything. Everything and nothing, time and space, beginning and end, life, death, birth, and so much more. I saw universes and worlds and planets, it was never ending, and then, it stopped. Someone was calling my name, a different voice, The Doctor. He was holding onto my hand, he pulled me out of the heart of the Tardis. He held me in his lap, rocking me back and forth, and shushing me gently, he was shaking, and I was motionless.
   The vision quickened again and I saw more glimpses of myself, these memories were less happy, they seemed more and more sad as I got older. Then I was behind a door to one of the rooms of the Tardis. I was listening to The Doctor and River arguing.
"I just don't know what to do with her River!"
"You help her, she is just as lost and confused as you are!!"
"I want to help her, I want to, but,"
he slammed his hands on the wall in frustration,
"how can I help her, I don't even know what she is!" he was getting more and more worked up,
"she is your daughter." River said, her voice sounded calm, but it shook with a greater power,
"I know that but-"
"nothing else matters!" I could tell she was coming towards the door, and I ran back to my room.
   The memory was over.
I sat up, breathing heavily, I was in a room in the Tardis. I sat up slowly, I looked around. This was my room. The walls were black, but I had hung sort-of Christmas lights along the walls, they shined white like stars. There was a section of my wall covered in photographs. Some of just me, some of planets and cities and forests and people on planets, some of The Doctor making silly faces and poses in different settings, some of River, some of the two of them, and some of all of us. Memories captured into a frozen moment. I had a window above my bed looking out into space. A fairly big closet was on the wall opposite my bed. This room was the room I had grown up in. I looked around my bed, I had a plain white comforter and a Tardis Blue body pillow, with other smaller throw pillows of different design. There was one thing on my bed that caught my eye, a stuffed purple octopus. I picked it up, burying my face into it. It smelled like home. I brought it to my chest, hugging it.
"You used to call it Jumba," The Doctor was leaning on the doorway, smiling sadly,
"don't know where you thought of that, always had a very active imagination,"
"stop," I said, my voice shaking,
"you speak as if I don't even exist anymore," my voice only getting shakier, tears filling my eyes,
"I'm r-right here! I'm real! See?!" I half yelled half sobbed, holding out a trembling hand. I walked across the room, and bent down on his knees before my bed. He took my hand with one of his, holding it tight, and wiping my tears away with the other.
"I know," his voice cracked,
"and I'm sorry, for taking so, so long, to realize that," 
   I let out a small cry, and he hopped onto my bed, holding me, gently rocking me back and forth,
"Shhh, shhhh, I'm here now. I'm here, and I will never let you go." he whispered.
"dad," I said so quietly my voice was barely audible,
"hmm?" he asked, but I had already fallen asleep in his arms.

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