Part 14: Hidden Power

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Kizito Tekashime materialized at the top of the warp gate platform and stepped out of the swirling ethereal portal. Immediately something in the air got into his eyes and lungs. He rubbed his eyes and coughed. The place stank of molten metal and burning coal. It became bearable if he removed the bandana from his forehead and used it to cover his mouth and nose.

Beside him, Kathrall appeared from the gate. He wrinkled his nose and frowned as he looked around at the new frontline town and its reddish-grey skyline. "They even programmed in virtual smog. I can see it hanging in the air," the captain said. "The PKK really came here? Even he has to find this area filthy."

"Stelworke. When the frontline unlocked the warp to this damn place I already hated it," Kizito grumbled through the cloth.

Kathrall looked back at his best soldier. "It shouldn't be as bad once we get out of the town. Let's go. We must find him as quickly as possible. The others are counting on us."

Kizito saluted, straightening his back. "Yes sir," he said, tying his bandana back on. "The guildsman who saw him should be somewhere around here."

They walked past run-down shacks and short huts with chimneys billowing opaque black smoke, as well as more smelters and anvils than they could count. Player blacksmiths wearing handkerchiefs and dust filter masks sat on benches on the side of the road, sweating as they worked intently at the forges, creating new weapons and armour to sell to frontliners in Algade later.

An Army soldier watching over the entrance to the mine labyrinths snapped to attention when he noticed Kathrall and Kizito approaching. He stood tall and saluted the captain and his subordinate. The two pretended they didn't notice the soldier getting flustered.

"At ease," Kathrall said, looking into the cave's mouth beyond the guard. A party of adventurers was at the entrance doing an equipment check, while a player wearing a sooty apron sat on a rock near them with a pickaxe to the side. When the adventurers went into the mine, they beckoned him to follow.

"Did the Rogue Reaper go into the mine?" Kathrall asked.

The sentry relaxed his arm. "No sir, but I did see him walk by my post and out of town that way," he said, pointing down the road. "With that armour, he attracted a lot of attention. It was very bold, for being a convict." He paused, and one eyebrow raised up slightly in puzzlement. "He walked straight through, without looking at or talking to anyone. I don't think he cared who saw him or not."

Kathrall nodded. "Thanks for your report. You're being reassigned to Ronbaru. You're to join the defense forces there. Go now, quickly."

"Sir, I'm the only guard left in Stelworke. Even the portal guard was sent away-"

"Ronbaru needs every able body possible," Kathrall said sharply, but without raising his voice. "Prepare for combat and go, immediately. That's an order. Come, Tekashime. There's no time to waste." He strode off with long steps in the direction of the town gate.

The sentry shuffled his feet as he watched Kathrall leave without waiting for Kizito. "That guy looked dangerous," he said, dragging his feet towards the town plaza. "Stay safe."

Kizito turned away, looking in the direction of Kathrall, who wasn't looking back or slowing. "Noct's not as bad as he looks," he said, not entirely sure of his own words. "You should be careful too. Keep your guard up out there." He gave the guard a last acknowledging nod before jogging to catch up with Kathrall.

As Kathrall said, as soon as they were past the town gates the air was noticeably cleaner. The pale red colour from the smog was gone from the sky, but the sun was still behind a hazy grey screen. The field outside Stelworke looked as if someone had put a "realistic brown" filter over the game's camera. Coniferous trees dotted the landscape amongst dry, yellowing grass on the sides of the main gravel path. Players were busy battling direwolves and bandit packs, training their combat skills and working on raising their levels. Kizito and Kathrall kept trudging forward until Stelworke became a mere blur in the distance.

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