Chapter 3

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Your POV.

I ran until I wasn't on campus anymore. I stopped running and started to walk back to my apartment. I walked to my room and locked the door. I grabbed my headphones and my Ipod and started listening to Icon For Hire's song Make A Move. (The song:

I started to sing along. After a few hours, a knock is heard from my door. I pause my music. "(Y/N) Can I come in?" Haruhi asks. "I don't know. Can you?" I ask. She sighs. "May I come in please?" She asks again. "Oh let me think. No." I say blankly. (Lol I just thought of the scene when they played Do You Wanna Build A Snowman in Frozen. XP) "Just let me in." She tries again. "Why would you want to come in? All I am is the person who killed her own mother. I would hate myself, if I were you." I say. "God Dammit (Y/N) Open up." (Sorry if this is ooc for Haruhi but it is my story so I can do whatever I want with it.)

I sigh and walk to the door. I unlock it then walk back to my bed and fall on it. Haruhi walks in and is shocked for a few seconds by everything I have. She walks over and sits beside me. "Listen (Y/N) I know you probably don't want to talk to me so just listen and let me do the talking. I want to apologize for saying those rude things to you. I was just mad and didn't know what I was saying, I don't blame you for mom's death and I certainly don't think she is ashamed of you. I mean, you got a scholarship just like me. You are very talented and can do plenty of things. What is there to be ashamed of? Well I just wanted to start over. Ever since we were younger, we would always fight and never get along. So I was hoping we could start over and be better sisters?" She finishes.

I stay silent for a while until I sigh. "I want to apologize as well for putting you in that situation. And if you are willing to forgive me and start over than I am as well." Haruhi looks at me happily. "Can you come to the Host Club with me tomorrow then? And you have to apologize to the teacher that you pissed off earlier." I sigh again. "Ok I will apologize and if you want me to come then sure, whatever." I answer while kicking my feet up and laying back. Haruhi looks around. "Now that that is settled, how did you get all of this stuff?" She asks.

I look at her then look around. "I bought it." Haruhi rolls her eyes. "Obviously but how did you get the money?" I smirk. "I may or may not have a job that pays a lot." Haruhi looks at me shocked. "What is that?" She asks. I put my finger to my lips. "It's a secret." Haruhi rolls her eyes. "Ok then." 'I'm glad we made up.'

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