Chapter 8~

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I groan as I wake up. "(Y/N)-chan's awake!!!" I hear someone yell. I groan again and roll over to bury my face in whatever I was laying on. "Shut up~" I whine. Honey gasps. "Sorry (Y/N)-chan!" He continues to yell. I groan louder. "Mitsukuni. Try to be quiet. She has a headache." I hear a deep voice say. "Right!" Oh my god! Will he ever shut up? Please. I want to sleep. "Come on, Honey-senpai, Mori-senpai. Let's let her sleep." I hear someone say. "Haruhi's right. She did collapse about an hour ago." I hear someone else say. "You're all so loud." I groan as I flip over and cover my eyes. "And it's really bright in here." I say as I grab a pillow and put it over my face. I hear people chuckle. "It isn't very funny actually. Thank you very much." I flip over again and hug the pillow to my chest and curl up into a ball, wincing slightly at the pain in my stomach.

"Okay guys. Get out of here so she can sleep." I hear someone say. "Okay Hika-chan!" Honey says. Finally, I hear the door close and I am met by the peace that comes with silence. I sigh happily but realize that it is still extremely bright in this room, which won't do for me. I sit up slowly, wincing slightly at my aching body, and get up to close the curtains. I was pulled back before I could though.

"What do you think you are doing? You are hurt so you shouldn't be getting up." I hear someone say before the twinge of orange hair comes into my line of vision. Hikaru. "It's too bright." I say before burrowing back onto the bed. He chuckles and I hear the curtains draw to a close. "Why'd you decide to stay with me anyway? Why not go hang out with your brother?" I ask as I peek at him from over the pillow to see him walk over. He shrugs. "Who knows? Maybe it's because I pity you-" I cringe slightly. "-Or maybe because you fascinate me. Or because I find you extremely irresistible~." He says, putting his hand on my cheek and getting really close. I scoff. "Yeah right. We'll go with that."

He pouts. "I wasn't kidding." He mutters. Sadly, I didn't catch it. Instead, I was hidden under a bunch of blankets and pillows trying to go back to sleep and ignore my rising heart rate and pink cheeks.

Time Skip because I am cruel~ ;)

I was shaken awake as the blinding light returned again. I groan and slowly open my eyes but squeal and close my eyes again immediately after. Blushing, I open my eyes again at the sound of laughter. I find Hikaru laughing and holding his stomach at the foot of the bed I was laying on. "That was adorable~!" He teases.

You see, I was sleeping when Hikaru decided to wake me up and when I opened my eyes, he was right in front of my face. T-T I sigh and hide my burning face in the covers of the bed that I just now noticed I wasn't in before. I look around to see a completely different room. It was pretty modern though. It definitely isn't my room. It stank of rich, obnoxious people in here. My nose crinkles slightly before I look at Hikaru in confusion. "Where am I?" I ask. He ceases laughing and looks around. "Oh yeah. You're at my house. We were planning on leaving but you were still sleeping and I didn't want to wake you up so I took you to the limo. Then before we could reach your house, Tamaki dragged Haruhi out of the car talking about getting 'bonding time with his daughter' and we didn't know how your dad would react to seeing you unconscious with 5 men so I offered to let you stay at mine and Kaoru's house until you were ready to leave." He explains.

"What men?" I chuckle slightly. "I would like to see these men you are talking about. All I see is children." I tease playfully. "Hey! I am too a man!" He whines. "Says who?" I ask. ".... Me." He huffs with his arms crossed like a child. I giggle and pinch his cheeks. "So kawaii~" His eyes widen and I freeze once I realize what I'm doing. I squeak and hide under the soft covers again. He chuckles. Why am I so nervous? It's not like he is intimidating. What is this feeling?

Hikaru's POV~ >.<

Her giggle is amazing. And she looked so shocked after she viciously pulled on my cheeks (Literally how it feels every time). It was adorable. Especially when she immediately hid back under the covers of the bed in embarrassment. Wait. What am I talking about? I can't have feelings for someone. That would ruin my whole image. But... Why can't I about how amazing she is? Why she fills every empty space in my mind? Why in the middle of class, I start thinking of her, and her laugh, and her soft hair... Stop it Hikaru! She probably doesn't even love me back. And that's the most heartbreaking part. Realizing something is so close, but so out of reach.

A/N: I updated. *Crosses fingers* please don't tell me to update immediately after I post this. *Cough* Trump is our new president. Prepare to pack your bags *Cough Cough* Wrong script. XP I am extremely sorry for not updating in forever but I just didn't feel like writing and you guys don't want a crappy chapter because if I did that you would probably comment some shit about how it could have been better. -_- But I decided to start getting fluffy with Hikaru and (Y/N)-chan. I don't know how well it fits into the story because it's been 5 years since I updated but here you go. Have fun~ Kpop is calling my name now. XP Bye bye~

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