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            Time flies too fast. You will never notice the day is over until the signs of nature tell you--- The setting of the sun, the appearance of the moon, and the noises of different insects. It’s also like you’re in a slumber and awaken by your alarm clock. Same as you are silently walking in the street and end up on being a robbery victim. A baby being dependent to his parents to survive and now big enough and able to eat, move and do anything he wants.

            Just like me, 15 years ago I was inside my mommy’s tummy, floating like an astronaut on a space. And boom! Here I am now. Time is really fast. Before, all I can do is to eat, play, sleep and nothing to worry about. But now I had just finished my elementary years! Yes, I finally graduated from elementary and survived the six years of studying! Guess what? I am the first honorable mention…Not to boast but it feels so great that you reap what you sown. And it makes me smile of a thought that I made my parents proud of me for their efforts and hard works just to send me to school were not wasted. Anyway, I came from a mediocre family but it doesn’t matter as long as our family is together, full of love and care, respect and a trust to God. But I would not deny the fact that somehow I want to experience the life of rich people--- buying anything you want, attending big parties, living in luxurious house and travelling in far places. Isn’t that great? Oh I have to come back to my senses.

             After graduation, what follows next? Everyone loves it! A party? A family dinner? Surely everybody loves that but neither is more fun than summer! No more homework, projects, exams and teachers! It’s like that you are free from slavery. You might be thinking right now how come I became an honor student that I think in such ways. Hmmm... Let me tell you then, I get serious with my studies but couldn’t I give myself a break? I just want to enjoy this short vacation and free myself from worries before entering high school for the next school year.





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