The letter✉️

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Harry and Ron sat down last on the breakfast table they sat next to Hemione. They had a wonderful breakfast Harry was laughing at a joke Hemione had just told him when a letter two letters fell one on Hemione's plate and one on his which both read TOP SECRET!

Hemione and Harry looked around the hall they saw Crabbe Goyle and Draco had one to they looked at each other surprised and scared.Ron had also noticed the letters and was so wanting someone to open one.Hemione could tell what he was thinking "in the Gryffindor common room "She told him firmly showing she wouldn't change her mind.Ron was disappointed but new it was the right thing to do.Harry and Hemione hid their letters In their pockets so no one could see them.

Back in the common Hemione and Harry sat with their letters in their hand and started tearing inside it said:
Dear Hemione granger,
This letter as you have noticed is top secret you will show no one.You are one of the rare five who has received this letter and one of the two who is in Gryffindor .Please come to the spare room at 1:00 after lunch today.

Harry's said the same (except for his name ).The three of them looked at each other.
"Do you think we should go?"Hemione asked shivering.
"Personally I think you should we need to know what it is about you can always go once then not go again,also I have this voice recorder keep it in pocket  and I will listen in to ur conversation.
After lots of persuading Harry and Hemione agreed to go.

However in the slytherin  common room Draco Crabbe and Goyle wer buzzing and bragging about their secret special message (as they called it).

Lunch came too quick for Harry's liking and he was even more scared then he was when he found out Tom Riddle was Voldemort.Hemione and Harry ate slowly trying to slow down time whereas Ron had finished and was setting up his sound system to get ready to listen to their conversations.

Hemione (as always) had a book for the occasion "wait a second"she said squeezing Harry's arm not noticing the red marks she was making "isn't the spare room the room that had to be closed up because vol...*you know who* cursed it "
"Do you think it has anything to do with the rumour"harry stuttered.
They both looked at each other wide eyed and walked to the room silently together.

They both knocked on the door weakly Crabbe welcomed them and brought them inside the grey dusty un-used room.The room was empty except for Snape in the corner.As soon as they walked in Snape pounced at the door and locked it...

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