Meeting the boys.

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The next morning I got up at 6 and did yoga. Yes, I was a big fan of yoga. No expense and you became thin if you did it regularly. Also, it had a lot of historical significance. It originated in India and basically relaxes your mind and disciplines you physically and mentally.

Then I woke Viv and we ate cereal. Viv was coming with me to see Zayn’s friends. She was so excited about it, she was barely eating anything.

“I can’t believe it!! Oh My God! I’m meeting THE freaking One Direction!!! I love you, Tal!!”

“Calm down! They’re just boys! You have to eat! You’re not wasting that food! Do you know that millions of children in India go without any?”

“Ugh! How can you talk about India when we’re about to meet One Direction!?! And I don’t wanna eat! I’m too nervous!”

“You’re nervous? C’mon! We’re just meeting Zayn’s friends!”

“They’re not just friends! They’re one of the hottest boy-bands in the world! Do you know how many fans actually get to meet them and talk to them!? Do you know that three of them currently don’t have girlfriends?”

“Aha! That’s what this is all about! You’re planning to get your hands on Zayn!?! Don’t worry, I can put in a word about you!” I teased her.

“No! I’ll leave Zayn for you. I’m thinking more of Harry actually!!”

“Oh please! Zayn and I are just best friends! He doesn’t even think of me that way and neither do I!!”

Viv looked at me seriously.

“You don’t like him that way? Because I think he does.”

“What? You’re joking! I have known him since we were babies! I would know if he liked me that way! No, we’re just friends!”

“But still, be prepared. You’re so pretty, one of the boys are bound to ask you out!!”

“You think I’m pretty?”

I looked at Viv with her blonde curls falling till her shoulders, dark blue eyes, rosy complexion and a perfect smile. She thought I was pretty?

That must just be a compliment, she didn’t mean it. Most people don’t mean it when they say that.

“Of course you are! You may not have the ideal description of pretty but you are beautiful! Do you know how awesome it is to have that flawless skin? Have you seen your features? They’re unique!”

“They’re not weird?”

“No! They’re very attractive!”

I smiled. No one told me I was attractive. Then again, I never paid attention to those things. I just hated makeup! I thought it was fake! You may think that that is weird, but I’m entitled to my own opinion, aren’t I? I have this opinion that looking good gets to your head and you lose your focus in life. It has the power to make your life revolve around it, which is very dangerous.


Viv raised one eyebrow. It seemed our perpetual expression.

“You’re weird, you know that?”

“I’ve heard.”

I got up, putting our dishes into Viv’s dishwasher.

Then we rushed up, to take a shower. It was already eight thirty.

We were late.

Viv was still in the shower and I was blow-drying my hair when the bell rang.

I grabbed my dressing gown and towel, wrapped it around myself and ran out of the room.

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