Slowly falling

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After dinner at the horse stables, Hazel walked back home in the dark with Jake. Once they got back to cabin 12, it was already past their curfew. Jake finally spoke up after minutes of silence. "I had a great time tonight." "Me too." Hazel said grinning. "I better get going, I have a couple things I have to do before I can hit the hay." Jake said. "Yeah, I still have to shower." Hazel explained, hoping she wouldn't get caught for being out so late. Jake reached over and kissed Hazel on the cheek. "I think it is more respectful of me to kiss you on the cheek, than on the lips." Jake explained. Hazel just standing there smiling from ear to ear. "I better get going before it gets to much later" Hazel said. "See you tomorrow" Jake said grinning.

The next morning, Hazel woke up to no one in the cabin. She looked at her clock and it was already past breakfast. "Crap!" Hazel said. She looked over to her suit case, to see a black dress laying out for her. She gets up to see if she recognizes it. Nope she doesn't, but finds a note that says: 'Hazel, this beautiful black dress, would look even better on you. Lift the dress up, and you will see a pair off sparkly heels to match it. Meet me under the pavilion at 6:30 tonight in this beautiful outfit I put together. Love, Jake.' She smiled and thought wow I am a lucky girl.

After her morning shower, she walked outside, knowing she would just have to eat a snack from the vending machine. Hazel gets a pink Powerade and a bag of muffins. As she is on her way back to the cabin, she sees Niall. She walked over to talk to Niall but he just ignored her and kept going. She thought maybe she could talk to him later. She got back to the cabin to see a note on the door. It read 'Hazel, 12:30 this evening meet me at the horse stables. Jake.'

Once Hazel finished her "breakfast", she headed out to the horse stables. "Hi!" Jake said in a surprise. "What are we doing?" Hazel asked. "Going for a ride, I heard you liked horseback riding." He explained. "Yes, I love it." Hazel said smiling.

As they were riding down the trail, Hazel saw an open field and started to go really fast, she felt like she was free. Leaving Jake behind, he races to catch her. He finally caught up, and explained which way to go, for a surprise. Once they got to where he wanted to go, Hazel saw a little pavilion set up for lunch. "This is nice, thank you!" Hazel said with a smile. "You're very welcome. I thought that since you've had a rough time with Niall, I could help you get over it." Jake explained. "Yeah. He is being a big jerk lately." Hazel said rolling her eyes.

They get back to the cabin, just in time for Hazel to start getting ready for the "date". She grabbed the black dress and held it up to herself. Her curly, brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She put the dress on and found the shoes. They were black, with sparkles. Hazel took out her ponytail, and did something she's never done before, she straightened her hair. Then, she took out the make up kit her mom got her. She did the best she could, considering that she never wore it.

Hazel walked out of the cabin, feeling beautiful for once. All the girls looking at her, jealous of how pretty she is. Walking to the pavilion, not knowing Niall was behind her.

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