Chapter One: L0N3LY

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This world is nothing more probably less. I can't seem to find myself

anymore can't seem to tell if I'm ok, if I'm sad or angry, or if I'm just

there. Sometimes it scares me because I'm afraid of my own mind then a

living organism. The word "Okay" only masks my True feelings. Meanwhile,

the truth is I don't know what I'm feeling and sometimes it leaves me

speechless. Feels as if everything I do is on key or timed as if I have no

control over what happens around me... they see things in life you and I

could never see, maybe could it be the world is Just trying to reminding me

everyone once in awhile? It feels as if they see the world so perfect and ideal

meanwhile I don't see what they can see, or is it that they are only telling

you this because they want to hide what I already know?... what if-

"Kiro? Kiro eat your breakfast"

That's my mom. Of course we do this routine every morning and the same

answer every time. I don't get why she bothers anymore.

"Kiro. Stop playing with your food. What's wrong?"

I'm dying internally and mentally, all feeling inside of me is gone, I feel

nothing and I have to pretend everyday of my life that I feel great.

"I'm fine mom, I'm just a bit tired. You know?" I always say while putting on

my best smile for the invisible audience.

"Okay well...Good luck at school."

Yep wish me luck I guess send me to the dungeon I'll be happy after all right?

"Kiro, Throw this in the garbage on your way out. Okay?"

Oh my gosh, what is this a new government? It's the only real trash I see in

my opinion.

"Yeah mom, bye..."

You know that feeling of never being good enough + basically being

forgotten? it's no longer a feeling, it's more like a lifestyle.

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