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Tristan spat his drink across the table and looked up at me in complete horror, "You're what?!"

I furrowed, "I'm having dinner with Connor Ball on Saturday."

James looked absolutely shocked, "What? How? Why-"

I groaned and buried my head in my hands, "My mum invited his Family over for dinner."

"Well shit.." Tris mumbled, looking at me in concern.

James reached over and placed his hand on top of mine, "Brad, you can't go. He's bloody dangerous."

I slouched in my seat and glanced back at Connor, who was watching me intently.

"My mum's making me," I whined.

Tris said, "Just tell her you've made plans, go to someone's house or something."

I suddenly had an idea.

My head whipped around, Michael was sat on his table with Calum and the blonde kid.

"I'm supposed to be working on this project with Michael on Friday, I could ask if we could do it on Saturday instead?" I suggested.

James nodded eagerly, "Go for it."

I got up and walked over to Michael's table, sitting in the seat where the bandana boy would usually sit- opposite Michael and beside the blonde.

"Hey." He smirked at me.

"Hi um.." I gave him a hopeful smile, "C-Could we do the project thingy on Saturday afternoon instead?"

Michael pursed his lips and then opened them as if to say something but Calum interrupted, "Whoa, dude, I told you to stay away from him."

Michael smiled sympathetically at Calum, "It's not like that, we're just working on a-"

"I don't care what you're working on," Calum hissed and glared at me, "I told you to stay away from him."

The blonde tried to soothe Calum, "Calm down, Cal. He's only-"

Calum suddenly got to his feet and started yelling, "SHUT UP LUKE!"

Luke frowned and cocked his head to the side, "I think you should shut up."

A small crowd of students had gathered round the table, oh god, what had I done?

Calum pointed an accusing finger at me, "You better stay the fuck away from Michael, or I'll beat you-"

The students around us started chanting, "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!"

Suddenly somebody grabbed me by my arm and dragged me away, I looked up to see Tristan pulling me out of the lunch hall with James by his side.

"Well that went well," I muttered.

Tristan laughed a little, "Did Michael say yes?"

I face palmed, "He didn't even answer."

James tutted, the bell rang signalling next lesson. I was walking through the corridors by myself, when I was suddenly pulled into a dark supply closet. My heart was racing in my chest, what the fuck.

The door shut behind me, and the light flickered on, revealing none other than...

Connor Ball.

This chapter was super short but omgomg Connors POV next chapter:))

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