19~ Cigarettes And Bubblegum

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I massaged the sore spot around my wrist, it ached and stung where Connor had gripped it.

Wh-What was that for...?" I whimpered, gently rubbing my wrist in my hand.

His gaze didn't move from my face as he hissed, "I should ask you the same thing!"

"I didn't do anything!" I cried, "It was you flipping out-- again!"

He stared at me in disgust, his brows furrowed and his nose crinkled up.

My teary eyes glanced down at my wrist, which was now developing bruises.

"And you hurt me," I met his eyes, "Again."

Connor's breath quickened, his icy eyes glared at my wrist. His expression changed into one of guilt, a transmission I saw the last time he slapped me.

"Bradley I'm-"

"Sorry?" I interrupted him, "You're always sorry-- after you hurt me."

His fists clenched.

"Connor, please stop this 'protecting your reputation' thing. Everybody in school is already scared of you, I'm not sure what else you want to achieve by pretending to be a badboy-"

"Do you think I want this?!" He screamed at me, gesturing around him with his arms, his face reddened with rage, "Do you think I want to be treated like a freak!? Like some sort of crazy person?"

My eyes widened in shock, I tried to calm myself down before answering, if I was upset, it would only irritate Connor more.

I took a deep breath as Connor backed up a little, gripping his hair in his fists.

"I think you do want people to think you're a freak." I said lowly, "I've already told you what I think- I think that this whole 'reject' thing you've got going on is an act, you're hiding something from everyone--"

Connor rolled his eyes dramatically, I'd told him this before, and he disagreed with me. He'd probably be annoyed that I was bringing it up again.

"But now I know what you've been hiding, I know your secret. So please, Connor, stop pretending with me, you don't have to prove anything to me." I said as calmly as possible, hoping he wouldn't flip out.


I flinched as he screamed.

"Stop hoping that there's more to me than what everyone thinks! There is nothing more to me than this! And if you don't like me for who I am, I don't need you in my life!"

I slowly backed away from him, scared that he'd hit me. My back hit the wall with a light thud, I gasped quietly, realising that I was trapped with him.

Connor narrowed his eyes at me when he realised I was edging away from him, he shot me a glare and shuffled closer to me. He gently gripped my chin, I shuddered at the touch, he lifted my head up to face him, his blue eyes glanced between my brown ones.

"Take me as I am, take me for everything." He breathed, "Stop replacing who I am, with who I'd rather be."

I squeezed my eyes shut, determined not to look at him. My breath jagged, my hands shaking.

"Are you scared of me?" His voice was a mere whisper, his fingers still lingered at my jaw.

"Do you want me to be?"

He sighed and released my jaw, I felt his presence leave my body. I dared to open my eyes again, to see Connor leaning on an unstable bookshelf on the opposite end of the store cupboard. His eyes still burned onto my skin.

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