8-- The Bespectacled Demon And His London Adventures

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Along sidewalks and roads, people walked and drove about, leading their usual lives and getting to their usual appointments. The city was so built up that people had, over time, learned to ignore the large Victorian houses set upon green, grassy hills in the distance.

And the Trancy manor was no exception.

Through the fog and general gloom that shrouded it, no one could see the tall figure dressed all in black roaming the grounds.

To the general passersby, it was just another rainy day in London. But to the figure, it was so much more than that.

He was late, to be honest. He, too, had an appointment to keep. But this had just been nagging him for so long.

He creaked open the unlocked doors, judging from the unhealthy sound the hinges made that it hadn't been opened in years. Although, he knew that the abandoned manor was a popular party site for teenagers, especially during Halloween. Upon inspection, he found trash, bottles, and various (probably illegal) substances scattered across the floors. He rolled his eyes, hoping they wouldn't interfere with what he was looking for.

He made is way to a large room decorated entirely in shades of purple. Cobwebs covered the furniture, including where the small blonde earl used to sleep.

He briefly saw a flicker of the boy, as if he really was there sitting on his bed. He glanced up at Claude with sad blue eyes and reached out to him, calling his name. Claude blinked and the boy was gone.

He quickly gathered every possession that had ever belonged to Alois Trancy, excitement surging when he found his ring. He carefully put in it his coat pocket and ran out.

He knew that reapers were afoot. They had been paying extra attention to the London area since Alois' revival. Though the blonde was across the ocean, the old manor was still a site of suspicion.

Claude capped the small bottle of gasoline that he had emptied as he walked. The trail winded throughout the house and stopped right at the porch. He then took a lighter and flicked it open, touching the flame to the shiny liquid.

He stepped away and watched as the flames jumped towards the sky. He had everything he needed, and it was time to get rid of the evidence.

Grim reapers were tricky creatures, and he didn't need any demon scent to throw them off track.


Hannah drummed her fingernails on the café table. She was once again the prompt one and was stuck waiting for her "date".

Although she hated that asshole and was pretty sure he was gay.

The man in question finally showed up, carrying various clothing and personal items all bundled into each other. He sat down across from her.

"You have it?" She stated simply.

He retrieved the ring from his coat pocket. "It took me a little while, but yes."

The lavender-haired woman nodded slightly. "What's with all the rest?"

Claude paused. "...They're merely for show."

"You're going to return them?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Not exactly..."

"Then what are they for?"

"Summoning... purposes... In case something goes wrong."

Hannah sighed. "Why do you insist on making him miserable? If everything goes according to plan, he'll be able to stay in hell. If not, he will live an eternity on this earth. Why would you want to keep him trapped here?"

He frowned. "You do realize that we're trapped here until they go, because technically we are still bound to them. You want to protect Luka out of whatever goodness is still in your heart, and I still have that damn contract because the brat won't tell me his wish."

"He wants to be protected, Claude. And so far you've done a horrible job of it." She crossed her arms. "We're leaving for the States tomorrow morning.

"No need for sarcasm, Miss Hannah."

"Don't belittle me, Mister Claude." she mocked. She swiftly took the ring and left.

A/N: ANNNNND I have now introduced the Trash Can With Glasses into this story. I apologize for the late updates. This year has been particularly hard for me so far, but thankfully the semester is almost over. Don't worry, the rest of the party arc is coming up.

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