1-- Of All The Places In The World, You Have To Be Here

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Ciel stretched in the morning light as his alarm went off. Never the morning person, he promptly rolled over, groaning and cursing to himself. This day had come far too soon, and far too early for that matter.

A dark-haired figure shifted next to him, nudging his back slightly. "Young master... please get up now." his butler purred. Once again, the boy had asked Sebastian to stay with him until he fell asleep, which usually led to him physically getting in bed next to him, and occasionally led to a bit of cuddling. Last night was one of those nights where both had happened.

The bluenette whipped his head around and looked at him, his eyes glowing a dangerous pink. Sebastian merely chuckled at the boy.

Or rather, demon.

Ciel was still a young demon, made one exactly 125 years ago. He had a contract with Sebastian, who swore to help hin exact his revenge on the people who murdered his parents in exchange for his soul. However, neither of the deals happened. After long fights with other demons over his soul, Ciel became one himself when he was about to die.

Sebastian still craved the sweet taste of the boy's soul. He was so close to feasting on it, gorging himself on it, nourishing his very being with it. But it had all been in vain.

And now, here Ciel stood, as a young, mischievous demon. Some days, it was almost as if his very presence taunted Sebastian, reminding him of what could have been. But the boy's small stature and delicate features also reminded him of what he was that fateful day when they first made the contract-- a helpless child.

Many things had changed since Ciel became a demon. First of all, he was rid of his horrible asthma, and consequently the stress that caused it. Ciel also found himself smiling more, a large change from his usually serious human self. One of his blue eyes was still a bright amethyst from the contract seal, but both of his eyes could now turn anywhere from a blood red to the dazzling unearthly pink that most demons had. But despite all of his changes, Ciel still found himself craving human sweets. He also engaged in recreational sleep more than most demons, because it gave him a chance to pretend he was human.

While he felt a certain sense of freedom as a demon, Ciel at times regretted it. Not being the type to normally feel remorse, he would naturally never admit it to anyone. But he couldn't help but wish sometimes that, when he looked in the mirror, he saw himself as a full-grown man instead of a 13 year-old boy, even though he knew that he probably would have died before reaching adulthood anyway.

Sebastian looked back at Ciel, his eyes flashing the same demonic color. They stared at each other, having a small contest. Ciel finally felt intimidated and looked away.

"Please get up now, my lord. You wouldn't want to be late on your first day of school."

Ciel rolled his eyes and yawned, sitting up. "I'm tired of going to school. Every four years I learn the same things over again, it's rather boring."

"I've enrolled you in the 8th grade this year, my lord. It's also a junior-senior high school, so you'll be able to stay there longer."

"8th grade?!" He groaned. "That's even worse!"

Sebastian chuckled. "Well, you can't exactly pass off as a 12th grader."

Ciel glared at him. "Enough with the jokes. Help me get dressed."

"It's been over a century, and yet you still can't dress yourself." Sebastian smirked, getting up and pulling some clothes out of the wardrobe.

"Why do you have a T-shirt and jeans? Where's my new uniform?" Ciel looked at him quizzically, too confused to make a comeback.

One Hell of a Schoolboy {Cielois}Where stories live. Discover now