Horror Movie Starring The Signs Part 1

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Characters- Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Pixis, Lynx, Andromeda(dies in the beginning), Lyra(dies in the middle), Vega(dies in the end).
Cancer smiled and snuggled into Capricorn's chest. It was nice to cuddle up to the taller male, especially since it was only 30*F outside. "You close enough, Cance?" Capricorn chuckled lightly. Aquarius walked in, his scarf bundled around his neck and mouth. A thin layer of snow was dusted on his shoulders, beanie, and the tops of his boots. The sound of a plate breaking interrupted everyone downstairs. Aries stood, hands soapy and wet, stiff as a statue. His lower lip wobbled. "I-I'm sorry... I-I didn't mean to d-drop it..." Tears gleamed in his eyes and his breathing came out in muffled hiccups. "Ar, please don't cry." Capricorn felt his heart race. Everytime someone cried, Cancer started bawling his head off. Aries quickly walked out of the kitchen and upstairs. "He can be as asshole at times, but he's a really tenderhearted person. I don't know why." Leo mumbled and swept up the broken pieces of ceramic. Cancer acted like nothing happened, but he was scarred by how child-like and afraid Aries had been. The brunette he knew was brave, a bit rash, and short-tempered. The Aries he had just seen was scared, vulnerable, and on the verge of tears. Aries never cried, at least not in front of anyone, except Leo. "I'll talk to him." The blonde walked upstairs to find his lover. Cancer yawned and stretched. Capricorn patted the pinkette's hair. "Capri, let's go explore before the girls get back. C'mon! You promised!" Cancer smiled and pulled on Capricorn's arm before he stopped and frowned. "Capri, what's wrong? Is something wrong with Aries? Wh-why is he crying?" His rosy eyes teared up. Capricorn opened his mouth to try and calm his lover, but he was interrupted by Cancer's heartbroken wail. The pinkette rubbed his eyes with his sweaterpaws madly. Capricorn looked at Aries, and immedeatly his heart cracked. Aries's usually energetic amber eyes were red and puffy, his freckled cheeks stained with tearmarks. The brunette sniffed and wiped his eye. "I-is he alright?" Aries's voice was hoarse and barely audible over Cancer's crying. Capricorn held the smaller boy close. "He's just a little moody. It's not your fault, Ar." Aries nodded and patted Cancer's shaking shoulders. Virgo bounded downstairs, singing. "Who's your friend that likes to play? Bingbong! Bingbong! His rocket makes you wanna yell hooray!" Virgo looked at Cancer's shaking shoulders and hidden face. The bluenette's eyes lost their happy sparkle and was replaced by tears. His breathing hitched. The black-eyed boy started to cry, then bolted for the stairs. "What's gotten into Virgo? He's never gotten upset that easy." Aries looked at Capricorn. "I'll tell you after he falls asleep." The gold-eyed male leaned his head on Cancer's shoulder. Getting Cancer to fall asleep while he was crying was almost as stressful as trying to calm his cries. The pinkette cried as he was bounced on Capricorn's knee. It seemed that there would be no end to his tears. Capricorn hated the fact that Cancer's parents had disowned him since the age of three years. Nothing could have angered or upset the white-haired teen more than hearing that Cancer, sweet little Cancer, had to suffer without his biological family. And now it meant horrible, and nearly endless, crying fits at random moments. Cancer cried louder, and Capricorn already knew he'd have a fever and sore throat by morning. The white-haired male pulled the pinkette to his chest. Cancer sobbed into his shirt before finally falling asleep. Capricorn carried the smaller boy to their room and lay him on the bed. The white-haired male saw Libra at the bottom of the staircase. "What's gotten into Virgo?" The former escape artist looked at the red-eyed male. The brunette sighed. "There's rumor of a killer coming out at about ten o'clock. He doesn't go indoors, but whoever's outside is dead meat." "Like Andromeda.." The two turned around to see Virgo, pale-faced and shaking like a leaf. Libra hugged the bluenette close, rubbing his head. Muffled cries were heard from the smaller boy. "What happened to Andromeda?" Capricorn felt like vomiting. "She was found in her bed, and pencils were stabbed into random places on her body." Virgo shuddered at the thought. "Andromeda lives with Lyra and Vega! What if they're next?" Capricorn hyperventilated slightly. "Calm down, Capri. Let's handle this one death at a time." Libra said. Virgo calmed down, sniffling and hiccupping. It almost felt tense in the room. But, someway or another, Capricorn felt that Cancer was going to suffer.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2015 ⏰

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