Chapter Eight

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Suho's Point of View

I don't understand why everyone here is giving me weird looks. Did I do something wrong? I see Chen come inside the house and he makes eye contact with me. "I need to talk to you." He says as he walks towards me. "Okay. What's wrong?" "Let's talk in my room." 

I follow Chen upstairs to his room and he closed the door. "What's the problem? Why is everyone looking at me funny?" "Really? You don't know?" "No." "You're not going to like this, but you need to know." "Okay?" "You need to stop hanging out with Tiana so much." "And why can't I hang out with her?" "Are you seriously that clueless? Kai is starting to suspect something."

Oh yeah. I forgot that Tiana was Kai's mate. "I guess you do have a point, but---" "I get it. You like her. I like her, but as a friend. A best friend. You need to lay off or I have a feeling something bad may happen and I'm sure you don't want that." 

"I don't. Especially if Kai's heat is getting more out of control." "What do you mean?" "Since he spends so much time with Tiana---" "Not as of late." "What are you talking about?" "Him and Tiana had lunch yesterday, and he stormed out on her because she was too busy saying nice things about you. So clearly, you left some sort of input on her." 

That's not good. "And Nalani told me yesterday that Tiana has mixed feelings about you." "What?" I said surprised. "Yeah. She may like you too, but she also likes Kai, so we have a situation here." "What do you want me to do?" "You can be her friend, but you need to know when to back off. Especially if Kai's heat is going out of the control. What if he picks a fight with you?"

'He wouldn't' I thought. "I beg to differ." Chen argued. We are both silent for a while and I muttered, "Shit." "I know. But you can still be around her, just not as much as you were." "I understand. And I should know better. I was the one that told Kai that he should find his mate and stop being so, him." "We're all worried about him, so it's understandable." 

"Okay. Thanks for telling me Chen. I really appreciate it." I acknowledged. "No problem." He smiled. "Oh and could you tell the guys to stop giving me weird looks? It's really starting to freak me out." "Yeah. I'll talk to them." "Thanks." I smiled. 

I walk out of Chen's room and think everything through. He's right, I shouldn't be this close to Tiana, but she gets me and I get her. I just want to protect her, and be by her side, but that's not my place. Maybe I could be more of an older brother to her. That would be better, right?

End of Suho's Point of View~

I texted Chen to come over so I could talk to him about Suho and practically said the same thing Nalani told me. I wanted another person's input on the matter, and luckily, Chen was able to help me. He also told me that I should apologize to Kai, but he seemed so upset.

Maybe I'll just text him and let him cool down until he's ready to talk to me again. I feel bad about what happened the other day and he hadn't contacted me since the incident. Maybe he just needs space. I'm not good at this whole "Boy Crazy" thing. I was thinking about what I should say to Kai via text message, but nothing was coming to me.

I sighed and looked up at my ceiling. "Why does liking someone have to be so hard?" I wondered. I suddenly feel my phone vibrate and it's ringing. I look at the caller id and I see that it's Suho. I answer on the third ring. 

"Hello?" I say. "Tiana." "Yeah?" "Are you busy right now?" "No. Not really. Why?" "Can I talk to you?" "Sure." "Can you come over?" "To your house?" "We don't have to meet there. How about the coffee shop on campus?" Good thing I literally live right there. "Sure." "I'll meet you in five minutes." "Okay." I hung up and threw my sweatpants, sneakers, and a jacket on and headed out.

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