Chapter 8 - The Monster -1

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Chapter 8

The Monster -1

I am sorry to everyone who is following this story , for not updating regularly.. Please check out this chapter..

Dear TheLYProject, I love your story itty Bitty... you are such a talented author..Dedicating this to you...


It's been more than half an hour since they had gone in there and I was starting to worry to no end. I had insisted for Valerie not to enter the building alone since even for me, getting inside and down to my room was scary. I knew Valerie was brave since the day before she had stood up against George but still, The Pig was not really the one I dreaded the most. As the building was located in a pretty rough part of Hochelaga-Maisonneuve area, pimps, drug dealers and prostitutes were everywhere in there. Seeing the concern written in bold and underline on my face, and the horrifying aspect of the building, Damian volunteered to go with her.

"What's taking them so long?" I sighed to myself, on the verge of a serious nervous breakdown.

"I don't know..." Jerome answered vaguely. "Maybe they had to wait for your landlord... maybe he wasn't there yet!"

"Maybe they're in danger..." I mumbled, cold sweats running over my body.

"Danger? No... why would they?"

"I don't know. It's not the safest place in the world."

"But still, they are not in a jungle full of tigers either."

"Oh you'd never know!"

"Do you want me to go check on them?"

"Valerie has my keys. There's no way to get inside."

"You're right. I could ring everywhere and wait for someone to unlatch the lock though."

"I don't think it would work. People in there wouldn't open. They would be too afraid it could be the cops. I'd really like to know what happened for them to still be in there."

"I'm going to check," Jerome said, unfastening his seatbelt.

"Wait!" I said, seeing the front door of the building open and watching as Damian came out first, his head low, followed closely by a fuming and bright red faced Valerie who was yelling something I couldn't understand over her shoulder. Ooooooh, this is not good...

The pair made their way to the car, Valerie continuously checking the door where The Pig was poking his head through the opening and yelling what seemed to be insults at her.

"You're not finished with me, Porky!" was the first words I could clearly understand as Damian opened the door and sat on the passenger seat. Valerie was in rage. "Now go and do what you do best, jerk off!" she yelled back at the landlord before she opened the door and sat down in the driver's seat.

She then slammed the door with all the strength she had in her and banged on the steering wheel while screaming in rage. I sat there dumbfounded, staring at her reflect in the rear-view mirror then at Damian who was staring at his lap.

"Could somebody tell us what happened in there?" Jerome asked, remaining as calm as he seemed to always be. "Damian?"

Valerie sighed and closed her eyes a moment to regain evacuate her temper and slumped her shoulders.

"That son of a bitch mother fucker there never let us go to your room!" I could hear her voice tremble. She turned in her seat to look at me. "Can you believe that this shitty stack of dumb pork chops could be so senseless that he rented your room to somebody else!?"

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