Batshit Smith

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"Nicky!" Morello shouts with tears in her eyes.

Morello shoots out of her seat to hug nicky.

"I missed you so much." Says Nicky.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Nicky walks to our table and they all go in for a group hug.

"I missed ya twat waffles." Nicky says jokingly. She glances at me then says "who's your friend?"

Piper removes herself from the hug and stands by me.

"This is stella, she is my-" piper says

"I'm piper's friend." I interrupt.

"So you're hot and Australian? She's gonna give you a run for your money Alex." Nicky says.

"Apparently she already has. I saw them getting friendly in the bathroom this morning." Alex says rudely.

I shoot Alex an irritated look.

"No way Pipes, didn't think you would start fucking someone else" nicky says in awe.

"I should go." i say. As i lift my tray and back away from the table. "Nice meeting you nicky."

*at work*

"Piper, what is Alex's problem with me."

"She doesn't like you, and neither do I."

"Do you think that she will try something, like attack me?"

"What? No. That's crazy, she wouldn't try something like that."

*middle of the night*

I awaken to sound of something ripping and my arm feeling numb. To my surprise Alex is standing over me with duct tape. I throw a punch at her and i got a few kicks in before i realized my hand is taped to my bed frame.

"What the fuck, Alex!" I yell.

I push Alex out of my cube.

"Get your hands off me!" She yells back.

"What the hell is happening?" Piper says as she rushes to the scene.

I can now see everyone out of their bunks looking at us.

"Alex taped me to the bed!"

"What the fuck Alex!" Piper yells.

"Just shut up, save your shit for later, we're trying to sleep." Red chimes in.

"Fine." I say.

The audience lays back in their beds as I rip the tape off. I assume Alex tried to get me back for taping piper to her bed.

"How do i know she isn't going to attack me again while i sleep?" I say to Piper.

"Do you need a stuffed animal to protect you?" Piper says back.

"I'm not a little kid."

"I didn't say you were. But you are a little bitch."

"Wow, you're getting brave."

*at work*

"What do i do about Alex?" I ask.

"What can you do?" Says piper. "She's a jealous ex girlfriend."

"She tried to tape me to my bed."

"That's actually kinda hot." She says through a sarcastic smile.

"So it turned you on when i tied you up?" I question with a flirty smile.

"Ladies! Turn off the sewing machines, work is over!" Yells a CO.

I shouldn't pull pranks on Piper anymore if Alex is the issue now, and if she wants to be immature and attack me for no good reason, then she should know something is coming for her. I remember Piper telling me that Alex was paranoid about someone or something a while back, maybe she is suspicious of me.

We get our food and sit.

"So some crazy shit happened down there and part of the building couldn't be used." Nicky says.

"Like some ghosts?" Big Boo asks.

"Really Boo?" Nicky says. "I'm guessing some rats or termites or something."

"They never told you?" Piper asks.

"No they just threw us on the bus because MAX was getting too crowded. Since we were doing good, they picked us."

"Where's Alex?" Asks Morello.

"I think she's outside." Lolly chimes in.

Right then new prisoners from MAX throw the double doors open. Three of them, they look disgusting with almost black teeth and mangled hair. The one who seemed to be the leader of the small group was a white heavy set woman with short brown hair and highly arched eyebrows that resemble a black string. The second one with long blonde hair had a body that was too small for her head, and a big crooked nose. The third and tallest was dangerously skinny, she looked like a skeleton with olive skin.

"They look like trouble" i say.

"They are." Nicky states.

"Let's go outside." Says Soso.

"It's always good to get your body moving." Yoga jones vocalizes.

"I can take them." Assures Big Boo.

We head out of the cafeteria and the heavy set woman stares at Piper and gives a devilish stare. I grab Piper to convey to the woman that Piper is mine, and she gives me a devilish smile. We then settle at a picnic table.

"That disgusting ass lady was staring at Piper." I say to the group.

"That was Helena Smith, she is fucking crazy, and she got sent to MAX for cutting someone open, tying them up and posing them, some people call her Batshit Smith." Nicky says.

I can see Piper get uncomfortable and scared.

"That's a fucking dumb name." Alex says as she struts over. "What are you guys talking about?"

"Crazy lady who likes to fillet people was staring at Piper." I say.

Alex's face goes blank.
"What! What are we gonna do?" She eagerly asks.

"I'm not going to sit and wait to have her cut me up then pose me!" Piper yells.

"We're not going to let that happen." I say.

"We're?" Alex asks with an irritated face.

"Yes we're, I know you all don't trust me, but that can change. I'm not going to screw anyone over this time, all I care about now is how to avoid Piper sushi, so you all can at least try to let me in." I convince to them.

"I still don't trust her." Big Boo says.

"I'm not sure." Morello and Sister Ingalls say.

"I say we cut her." Alex suggests.

Right then I spot Helena walking in our direction.

"Guys, she's coming." I whisper.

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