Chapter one : Life is good

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I sat there watching as the sun went down. Listening to the crash off the waves on the very rock I was sitting on. I knew right then that I was home. Then I heard the soft patter of my sister Dusk's  feet. She sat down next to me, and we smiled at each other.

"Hi my name is Dawn, and my twin sister Dusk and I are not normal. Well, i guess you could say we're freaks of nature, but we know different. We are the beautiful myth's. We live with our 57 year old grandma, who has cancer, because our parents bailed on us when we were kids.  I have the personality of a boy trapped inside a girls body, with a few girlie flaws.I have mellow brown hair, and changing hazel eye's.My sister, on the other hand, is the girliest girl in the world. She has barbie blond hair, and crystal blue eye's. Although she gets on my nerves a lot, she is also the best friend a girl (or in my case, a guy trapped in side a girls body) could ever have. We share our secrets, ideas, and feelings with each other, hence the girlie flaws part. Anyway, back to the story........."

When we came back to the house, we sat down to a wonderful dinner  of cheep fish sticks, unsalted fries, and tart coconut juice. It wasn't our favorite, but we gave thanks anyway. That night as I was lying down for bed, I heard my sister say, "Grandma can you tell us just one more time?" "Now girls you are 15, you don't need bedtime stories, said grandma" "But grandma, it's our parents we're talking about here, we need to know." "Well..... oh alright. About 12 years ago, your parents had went on a very lovely vacation in Hawaii." Oh they had a great time they said, but had came back shaken, as though hit hard by something, i never found out what it was but, it startled me when they became so worried they had to leave. So they told me everything was fine and not to worry, for they would be back again someday. Soon after that, they said goodbye and walked out, and I've never seen them since. As grandma fought to hide her tears she coughed. My sister and I exchanged looks. Then I said to grandma, "has the hospital called yet?" Did they say your cancer is going away? My grandma looked at me with anguish on her face, and then I knew she didn't even have to answer. She wasn't getting better anytime soon. She then said, "you girls make me so proud, and I'm sure your mother is proud of you two also." Well, grandma said as she stood up and then sighed, you girls should get some well-needed sleep." She walked over to the light switch, bed us goodnight, then turned out the light and left the room. She had turned out the light, even though she knew we weren't going to sleep after that conversation. My sister turned over to look at me. I could see the dark shadow of her face. All the anguish, regret, and worry was to much for me. I tried to hold back the tears, but couldn't. I started to whimper, then sob so hard I was choking, trying to get air.My sister then came from her bed to mine. She hugged me, and I started expressing my feelings about grandma and her not getting any better. Dusk obviously knew how upset I was, because she stayed in my bed with me the whole night.

The next morning I woke up with Dusk out of bed, and my pillow wet with drool. As I walked downstairs, I could hear the soft sound of laughter. It was Dusk and her boyfriend Jeremiah talking about how cute they look together (it makes me wanna puke). Jeremiah has long black hair, caramel brown eye's, and face as if he were sculpted into a statue, but tanned. I ignored them, and had a battle in my head about what cereal sounded the best to me, when I heard my grandma say to me, " better eat up for your surf practice today". "Oh yeah I completely forgot". My goodness what are you gonna do with me grandma.  Giggling grandma said, " sometimes I wonder ". We were cut off when Dusk walked in and asked "what's so funny?" "Oh nothing" I said.

After breakfast my sister and I headed down to the beach in our jeep, and met up with our friends Tracy, Joshua, and Tara. Tracy has pale skin, bleach blond hair, and pretty blue eye's. Joshua has pale skin, dark blond hair, and crystal blue eye's. Tara has dark skin, brown eye's, short black hair, and wears glasses. "What's up" said Joshua. I told him all about last night and he said ''well hopefully this will cheer you up", and he took my hand and my board, and we headed for the water. We paddled out and waited for the waves to get bigger. Then finally, I started to paddle, like I was swimming for my life, I stood up and caught the first wave of the day. After three hours off hard core surfing, we headed down to the Tiki Shake and had lunch, which was way better than dinner last night. I had my usual (grilled chicken sandwich, fries, a side of vegetables, and a Dr. Pepper), but everyone else tried something new. Tara(my best friend out of everyone ) turned to me and said "so how good do you think you'll do in the surf competition in two weeks?" I said "I don't know, but as long as it's enough to get me into the finals then I'm happy. And if I don't make it into the finals, it's okay because I'm blessed to even have an opportunity to try to get in the finals so..... But I was cut off by the sound of loud cheers and laughter. It was Mr. Lance, the local fisherman, he was accompanied by Mr. Hope (Joshua's dad), Mr. Piper (Tracy's dad), and Mr. Parks. "What are you so happy about dad"? asked Tracy. "We did it"! said Mr. Lance. We finally killed the beast that keeps attacking all the people. We all looked at each other, thunderstruck. "Did you say kill"? I said. "Yep" said Mr. Lance. ''Why would you do such a thing to a poor creature"? said Tara. Mr. Lance looked appalled, "It was attacking people, what was I supposed to do"? ''Well, I said, there is an ocean life reserve right outside of the town". ''Well, said Mr. Lance, you see they were offering a one thousand dollar reward and..." But I cut him off right in the middle and said, "So basically you killed a beautiful creature for money"? Mr. Lance looked down at the floor guiltily, then suddenly got angry and said, "Now I'm not taken no nonsense from some snotty nosed kids"! "Hay, said Joshua, 1st off, we are not kids, we are teens, and 2nd off, just because we're young doesn't mean we don't know the difference between right and wrong"! ''Right"! said Tara, Tracy, and I all together. Then all of a sudden Mr. Piper and Mr. Hope chimed in and said "maybe it was the wrong thing to do". "Well, I'm going fishing for more" said Mr. Lance. "Well, said Mr. Hope, I guess you'll do it without a crew". "Yep" said Mr. Piper, and Mr. Lance stormed off.

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