A Horrible Tragedy

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The next morning, I woke up feeling a little discombobulated, I just shrugged it off though. I went on to the balcony to check on the weather, I always had a gift at predicting how the day would be just by feeling the weather, but today it made me want to puke. There was something terribly wrong, I just couldn't put my finger on it. So I shrugged that off too, but not completely.

I carried on through the day as normal. I ate breakfast then got dressed and brushed my teeth. Then I found out I had no plans today. So I got back into my pj's and plopped on the couch. After awhile of horrible programs, my sister finally came downstairs for breakfast. I was about to say good morning, but stopped myself when I saw the expression on her face. He face was so red I felt if I touched her I would gain third-degree burns, she also had steam shooting from her ears. She pulled a toothbrush out from behind her back and said through gritted teeth '' Did you use this toothbrush Dawn"? I shrugged and said "Yeah, why"? ''Well sister'' she said ''as you should know, since I've told you 50 times already, this is my toothbrush". Oh man, I thought. My sister is a huge germ-a-phoebe. ''Sorry" I say, even though I know it doesn't matter. '' Sorry.... sorry" she clenches her fists and walks away mumbling something. I just went back to good time television.

All through the day, Dusk would not talk to me when finally I got so annoyed I confronted her. I said ''Are you serious right now". She nodded without speaking a word. ''Will you just get over it! I already lost one friend, my best friend in fact, I don't need you made at me too". She looked at me puzzled. "Tara's not talking to you anymore"? I shifted and replied "Yes". I started to tear, but bit my tongue because I didn't want Dusk to see me cry again, in the same month. She looked at me and said "Sorry for getting so worked up, it wasn't such a big deal". I sucked it up and said "You shouldn't apologize, I shouldn't have been so careless". We hugged, and as soon as it happened I realized what was wrong. ''Grandma hasn't gotten up all day, has she"? I said. Dusk and I looked at each other for a moment, then ran to grandma's room. ''She's asleep'' I said. ''Wait a minute'' Dusk said. She walked over to her and put her finger on her neck, then looked at me with eyes full of tears. She gulped and said ''She has no pulse". I ran over to her and shook her rapidly, calling her name, saying sorry for stupid things, making promises so she would wake up, and finally cursing with tears in my eye's. "Please" was my final word, because Dusk put her hand on my shoulder and shook her head saying "She's gone". She can't be, I thought. It wasn't her time, she didn't deserve it, she had so much life left, so many things left to do, we needed her. She needed us in her final hour, and we weren't there for her. 

Later that day, the local funeral planner and coffin maker came by to take her lifeless body away. I couldn't believe this, our 16th birthday was a couple months away and grandma wouldn't be here for it. I sighed, and Dusk came up to me with more tears in her eye's and said, ''The funeral is planned for next sunday". I nodded and told the rest of the public to leave. My sister and didn't talk, nore did we cry, for the rest of the day. We just sat, waiting for someone to wake us up from this horrible day dream, but no one ever did. I could feel my heart breaking, shredding into little pieces. How do you fix something like that? Is there any remady? I wanted to shout, to scream, to blame someone for this. Then I relized, I should only blame myself. I pulled my sister down on her knees with me, and we folded our hands and bowed our heads. If we learned one thing from our grandma, it's God alway's listens, even when you have nothing to say. After our silent prayer, we stood up and sighed. I looked at Dusk and siad ''Tomorrow we'll go through grandma's room and see what we can keep, and what we can trash''. She hesitated, then nodded solomly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2011 ⏰

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