Nothing Will Ever Come Between Us. - Insecurities.

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*Naomi's POV*

I was two months pregnant but feeling really insecure. And I was having mood swings constantly. I couldn't imagine what Justin was going through right now.

I was out by the pool, in my bikini but with a beach coverup on. He was out in the pool all the shirtless without a care in the world.

I wish I could be like that, careless. I know I've been pregnant before but somethings different, I feel more insecure. I guess it's true what they say " The second one is always the hardest or is it the easiest? well I guess It's the hardest.

" Sweetie come on, get in the pool with me." Justin said to me.

" Justin, I just can't. ok?' I said to him. I didn't mean it in a bad way.

" Naomi, I know you're feeling sort of insecure, but remember it's me here. And I love you, you'll always be beautiful and insanely gorgeous to me. Hey, we have Kace and we're going to have another baby, that stands for something." Justin said looking at me.

"Yeah. It stands for me being fat." I snapped at him.

He got out and walked over to me.

"Look at me." he said.

"No." I said looking at my hands.

"Naomi, look at me." he repeated.

"No." I said again.

He lifted my chin and made me look him straight in the eye.

" Hey, don't cry. I was trying to say that you are Beautiful and there is nothing in this world that compares to you. Maybe our kids, but remeber that I fell in LOVE with you and I don't regret it. I ill never regret it" Justin said while planting a soft kiss on my lips.

" But what happenes when I look like a mess after feeding both children or anything like that. I'm just not who I was" I said while letting the tear flow freely across my cheeks.

"Umm. Lets see. You'll still be gorgeous. You have nothing to cry about. Hey if I could carry the baby for you I would." he said.

I laughed. "Seriously?" I asked.

"Well no. But I love you." he said smiling that million dollar smile.

"I love you too." I said.

"Now dry those tears and come get in the pool." he said.

I shook my head.

"Alright fine." he said.

When he turned his back I took off my coverup and pushed him in the pool. Then I jumped in after him.

He rose up when I did and kissed me. I felt fire works. He has this affect on me that nobody has and I love it.

" What was that for?" he asked me.

"Well u wanted to get in the pool so I pushed you and went right after you" I said laughing.

Once again, he kissed me. I pulled away and smiled and went underwater real fast.

I came up and Justin smiled at me and went to kiss me. I went underwater before he could.

I heard him yell, "Naomi!" after me.

I rose up and he looked ticked.

I swear I was just a little scared, because I think I know what he's planning.

" What?" I say smirking.

" What was that about?" he aked.

" What do you mean?''

'' What are you doing to me?"

" Hmm, what am I doing?"

" Are u going to keep doing that?"

" Doing what?"

" Answeing all my questions with questions."

" Does it bother you?"

" well to sat the truth, y-" I kissed him. I knew what he was doing.

I pulled away and he smirked. I slapped him in the back of the head.

"Oww! What was that for?" he asked.

"For being mean!" I pouted.

"Naomi." he said leaning in to kiss me.

I turned my back and crossed my arms.

"I'm sorry." he said wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.

I smiled and turned to him.

"Its okay. I love you." I said kissing him on the nose.

He smiled and we got out. Kace was with Pattie for the night so we went out to eat.

*That night midnight.*

I woke up and Justin wasn't laying beside me.

I got up and saw him in Kace's nursery and tears running down his face.

I rushed over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my face in his back.

He turned so I was hugging him.

"Whats wrong, Justin?" I said putting my hands on either side of his face wiping away his tears with my thumbs.

"I miss him. I want him home." he said.

"Okay baby. Okay, I'll go call Pattie right now." I said.

I went and called Pattie. She said he was having trouble getting him to sleep anyway.

She said she would be over in 10 with him.

*10 minutes later*

Pattie knocked. I ran to the door. Kace in her arms fussing.

I took him, said thanks and bye and she left.

He started going to sleep in no time.

I went to the nursery to see Justin sitting in the rocker. I handed him to Justin and sat on Justin's lap.

"Looks just like you." I told him smiling.

Justin smiled at me and I noticed Kace had Justin's finger. Justin smiled, I got off his lap and went back to the bedroom and before I fell asleep Justin wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. I laid my head on his chest and he nestled his head in my neck and before long I heard his quiet snores. I know he is a guy but he doesn't snore loud.

Not to long after I fell asleep in his secure arms.

Nothing Will Ever Come Between Us. I'll be Next 2 You. (JB Love Story) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now