Chapter 123

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Ven had just finished spinning around with you in a hug, then set you back on the ground with the biggest smile you had ever seen on his face; not a smirk, but a real, beaming smile. He was about to say something, seeing that you were still too red and embarrassed to say anything at the moment when Zack walked over. 

"Yo, I thought you were out today....did you just happen to skip the only class we have together?" He asked, catching you in a headlock and ruffled up your hair. 

"We have class together right now, Zack." You said, shoving him away.

"Well, yeah, but this is different. This is training, there's lots of moving involved...I don't get to just sit back and look at you." 

"Mildly creepy, Fair." Ven cut in and Zack shrugged. 

"Whatever. Anyway, ≈≈≈≈≈≈, I have a surprise for you-" 

"If it's about the dance, don't bother...she's already got a date." Ven stopped him, making you blush again and drop your head into your hand. 

"With who?" Zack said murderously, and Ven chuckled. "Oh you little shit. Is he forcing you to go with him? What does he have on you?" Zack gave Ven a close examination before looking back at you, seeing your face was literally the color of his red hoodie, "What did he do to you?" He asked again, thinking that you never blushed. 

"Nothing." You snapped, seeing that they were both staring at you. 

"Hear that? Nothing. She just likes me better." 

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Venven...Anyway, ≈≈≈≈≈≈≈, I still have a surprise for you. Come over here." He said, leading you over to where everyone was gathered to listen to the instructions for the day. 

"Where is it?" You asked, getting antsy as Lulu began explaining that for you, (and other mages like you) today was going to be focused on advanced magic techniques; specifically, summons.     

"You'll see." He grinned, just as excited to give the gift as you were to get it.   

You tried to calm down and listen to Lulu's talk; you were always interested in learning how to summon. She finished up and split everyone into separate corners of the room to try and give everyone enough room, but Zack never left your side, and soon you were joined by Gippal.    

"So, what's this surprise?" You asked, finally not able to handle the suspense any longer. 

"This." Zack said, pulling something out of his pocket. He had you turn around, and then Gippal held your hair back as Zack put a necklace on you. When he was done, you felt the cool metal with your hand, then felt the charm on the end. You pulled at it so you could see what it was, and looked at it carefully. It was a thinly cut stone of some sort, it looked like it was a brown rock cut to resemble a flame, but in the light it shone with bright reds, oranges, and yellows. 

"That is a fires summon stone." Zack explained as you looked at the beautiful stone and felt the smooth surface with your fingers. 

"We went ahead and picked out your first summon monster, hope you don't mind." Gippal said, and you sighed. 

"Let me guess, it's the ugliest thing you could find? Fine. That's fine. I don't care. I'll be happy with anything." You said, thinking that you would try out the summoning spell that Lulu had just explained. You held the stone in your hand, and Zack and Gippal took a few steps back to give you space, then you created a small flame in your palm, holding the fire summon stone in the middle of your flames. The stone lit up, and dematerialized, and then a creature began forming at your feet, seeming to create flames around it. Any second now, something was going to step out of the flames…and probably try to eat you, if you knew anything about Zack and Gippal's taste in monster. A small paw emerged from the flames, and then another, and then a head. 

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