It Hurts (Bruce x reader)

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WARNING: Angst and a bit of fluff at the end.

Something like this recently happened to me but with out Bruce being Prince Charming.

It hurt. It hurt like hell, you didn't even know why it hurt so much.
It was like a stomach ache but this was not your upset tummy causing your pain. The ending text of your fight. You regretted hurting them in this way. When they hurt you hurt.

'I let myself get to attached. It's my fault. I was to angry. Since why do my feelings matter I should thought of them more.' You thought you hand shaking as you looked at you phone. Tears streaming down your face, you threw the phone across the room. Air harshly ripped through your lungs, pulling a sound of raw brutal pain from you.

You leaned against the head board on your bed. As a wave of anger hit you burning red hot, a pit of fire burning you from the inside out.

You lazily looked over at the phone, an old phone. Before it rang again you picked it up.
"H-h-hello? W-who is this?" Mentally cringing at how horrible you sounded, you waited for an answer.
"Um (y/n)? This is..... Uh this is........ Bruce." Static filled the air waves." You mean, Bruce banner? How'd you get my number? We only went on one date." A bang like he'd dropped the phone.
"Uh y-yes. You um got uh drunk and gave me your number. I wanted to ask if you wanted another date but uh it sounds like a bad time. I'll uh call back, I guess."
"No no Bruce. It ok really, I just ah I just went thought a tuff thing with my sister. Well not sister but close enough."
A soft "oh" came from the other end.
"But I'll take that date."
" Are you sure?"
"Yhea. What would you want to do?"
"So how about since, you sound sad
(y/n). I give you my address and we can just watch movies and eat ice cream? Does that sound ok? I never really done this."
You giggled at how happy and nervous he sounded.
"Yhea Bruce that sounds great."

time skip cause y not____________________

Knock knock
"(Y/n)! I am so happy to see you! I have three sets of movies and ice cream and chocolate. If you need more I can always run to the store."
Bruce smiled proud and nervous, happy you had at least came over.
"That sounds better than anything I was going to do thanks Bruce."


The end

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