Chapter 2

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Brandi POV

Walks back home from school are always short when I walk with Alice and Claire. "I have so much homework today I don't even think I'm going to watch a movie today" I whine. "Oh a day with out mr. River Phoenix isn't gonna hurt you,man" Alice says. "How's a day with out your phone to you, Alice" I respond. "Don't talk about my phone like that" she says. I laugh "I was born in the right generation, man. Don't mess with me" she says and we start laughing. "But for reals guys we got a lot of homework" Claire says. We all mutter a "yeah."

Claire reached to her house and we said bye. "Alice. Have you ever felt like you don't belong?" I asked Alice. "Yeah. Before. Why?" She asked. "I don't like living in this generation. I know I've said it before. But I really don't like it. People think I'm weird for what I like. They call me names the say crap to me to get me mad. But it doesn't make me mad. It makes me sad. And feel like I should hide in my closet forever" I say.

Alice looks at me. "Well those people are trash. Because no one could hurt my friend. Maybe you shouldn't talk so much about the 80s and they'll just leave you alone" Alice says. "I've tried" I muttered. We got to my house.

"Well. I have a lot of homework so I better get going I say walking up to my house. "Okay see you tomorrow" Alice says walking away. I unlock the door. "Mom I'm home" I say.

I set down my backpack and binder. "Mom?" I yell out. "I was in the laundry room" my mom says coming out of the hall way. "Oh" Is all I said. "Ready for dinner" my mom asks. "Not right now. I have a lot of homework. I'll come down when I'm done" I say. "Okay well at least take an apple so you won't starve

"Okay mom" I say. I run upstairs with my backpack and folder. I get started on my homework

Around 7:45pm I was finally done. I was barely packing my stuff when I got a text. I grabbed my phone

Les: hey whatcha doing

Me: nothing just packing up school work I barely finished

Les: really? I'm stuck on math. What did you get for number 28 on page 315???

Me: 17


Me: no problem

Les: could I ask you something?

I was about to answer when my mom called me. I left my phone on the bed. I rushed downstairs

"Yes mom" I asked "foods ready. You're done with homework right?" My mom asks "yeah" I say. I sit and my mom serves me my dinner.

"How was school?" My mom starts a conversation. "Good. Pretty hot" I say "well why are you going to school with boots?" My mom answers "I didn't check the weather" I say. "Something came for you from the mail" my mom says. "What is it?" I ask. She hands me a small package. I open it reviling a DVD box.

I scream a bit. "What is it?" My mom asks. "It's running on empty. A river Phoenix movie" I say happily. "I'm gonna go watch it right now" I say getting up. "Not. So. Fast Brandi" my mom stops me. "Sit" she says. I obey her and sit in front of her.

"First eat you food. You're not watching it today. You haven't been sleeping good. I know you've been staying up watching interviews and movies. You need your sleep." My mom says. "Mom. I've been having a lot of homework lately and I want to relax and just watch things I like." I respond.

"You're getting out of hand, Brandi" my mom says. "What are you talking about?" I say. "This whole River Phoenix love you have. That's all you talk about" she says. "Mom don't act like you aren't a fan of River Phoenix" I say. "I was. I moved on. You won't let him go since you were 13 years old. It's time for a change." My mom says

"Mom. Why don't you just let me be. I do good in school. You know I always study for a test and do all my homework" I say trying to keep my cool. "Why don't you try opening a book at times" my mom says I was about to answer when she stopped me "and not a biography of river Phoenix or the outsiders. A new book" my mom says.

"Mom, kids at school already tell me crap for liking the 80's. Now you too?" I say. I felt the tears in my eyes but I held them back. "I'm just saying, Brandi. You should make a change. Apply for college" my mom says "I have been" I answer. "Get a boyfrien-" I cut off my mom. "I don't want one and I don't need one" I answer.

My mom grabs her purse and keys "I just want you to act like a girl from this generation" my mom answers. "But I'm not. I don't belong here. Do you know how hard it is going to school with people that have different interest than you. Knowing that some of your favorite actors are dead. That you don't belong with these people. And then it being worse when people make fun of you. And now your mother putting you down too?" I say

My mom just sighs "I'll be back in the morning" she says softly and leaves. My mom works at night. That's why she's leaving at this time. I go upstairs and grab some pajamas and towels. I go in to the shower and just cry.

Do I annoy people

Am I boring

Do I sound stupid

I can't help it

If they only knew how sad I felt inside

Feeling like you don't belong

That you missed the great times

How much I hate this generation and it's just getting worse

I get out of the shower and dry myself and put on my pajamas. I brush my hair and blow dry the tips of my hair. I get to bed and cuddle with the warm blankets. I look up at the ceiling.

Why was I born in this era

I felt a tear come down my cheek falling on my pillow. I then saw a glowing white light from the corner of my eye.

There was a white figure with blonde hair. I sit up and rub my eyes. I couldn't believe my eyes

"River?!" I say

Authors note: whoops cliffhanger haha. I'll update tomorrow and you'll find out who it is. But I think you guys got the message.

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-Itzel :x

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