Chapter 3

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Brandi POV

There was a white figure with blonde hair. I sit up and rub my eyes. I couldn't believe my eyes

"River?!" I say

I felt as if my eyes popped out of my head. He gave me a sweet smile. It was him. River Phoenix. I blinked a few times to see if I was just seeing things.

He got closer to me. "Hi Brandi" he said to me. I covered my mouth "you know my name?" I asked in shock. "Of course. You're one of my biggest fans" he said with a chuckle. I felt the tears stream down my face. He sat on my bed in front of me. His smile faded away.

"Why are you crying?" He asked me. "I miss you so much" I said trying to cover up from him seeing me cry. He grabbed my hands and put them down. "Don't worry about me, love." He says. I kept crying. "I know it's bad to miss someone you've never met. But I don't know. Me having to live everyday knowing you couldn't live longer to get married. Have a family. Becoming even more big than you already were. You changed my life" I said

He looked down but then took a deep breath and looked at me with a smile. His beautiful smile. His beautiful blond hair. He wiped a tear from my cheek. "Stop crying, love" he said. "I've always wanted to meet you" I cried. "I'm sorry I'm sorry. I guess I'm just a big cry baby" I giggle.

I wipe away my tears. "Why are you here. Not that I want you to leave. Of course not" I said. He chuckled. "I just wanted to meet you. And I know you've been wanting to meet me too. And I know it's been hard for you in life" he said the last sentence softly.

I looked down. "It's horrible. Well... I guess it's not that horrible since other people have it much worse. But. It's pretty bad" I say looking down. I looked up at the ceiling trying to hold in the tears. I've already cried a lot today.

But I guess I couldn't hold it because the tears came pouring down. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asks.

"It's. So. Fricken. Hard, River" I started. "I don't belong here. I feel it when I talk about something i like. When people stare at me weird. When they ask who's my lock screen. When people put me down for what I like. I already feel like I don't belong. Why do they tell me crap?" I cry. "Crying every night because I feel stupid and useless. Feeling like crap. The way people look down at me. It sucks. I'm sorry for not being like you people. I'm sorry I'm not in love with the same celebrities you like. Why. Why me? Why anyone. Why do we have to feel like this?" I cry.

"It'll get better.." He said softly. "Bull!!" I cry. I'm not going to graduate and then live in the wonderful 1980s." I cry. I'm stuck here. I'm stuck. I feel trapped. I never belonged here. Since I was 6 years old. All I would watch were 80s shows because shows now are retarded and pointless. I feel like I can't breath. There's a huge brick on top of me. And the worst part is. I have to put a smile on my face and pretend I'm fine and I love life. When inside I'm aching inside. Every time someone looks down at me I feel one knife has been stabbed in my heart. I feel it. Why was I born in this era?" I ask him. But I really wanted to know.

I didn't know why. I wanted that question to be answered to me. "Because. God has something huge for you here" he says. "So don't ruin it. Don't do something stupid to get it twisted" he said. "So what should I do, River?" I asked. I chuckled at myself. "River I've always wanted to call you that. To talk to you. To have a great conversation. Making scenarios in my head what I would tell you" I smiled at myself.

"Yeah? What did you want to tell me?" He asked me. "I don't remember" I look up and laugh. He chuckles. I stare in to his beautiful eyes. "Are you happy?" I ask him. "Huh?" He said. "Are you happy? Are you calm. Do you feel better now?" I asked him "I'm doing well" he said. "Do you miss everyone. Your loved ones?" I asked. "I miss them a lot" he says.

"I'm glad to see you in this dream" I say. "....It's not a dream" River says. I look at him. "Poke me" he says. I poked his arm slightly. Felt like cloth. I grabbed his hand. It was cold yet warm. "River...." I gasped. I looked up at him. He smiled at me. I hugged him. His touch felt comforting. He felt like home. I felt relieved in his arms. Safe. Nothing was ever going to harm me. I let go of him.

He sighed. "I have to go" he said sadly. "No. Stay please." I say. "I wish I could" he said. "I wish you never left in the first place..." I sighed. "I'll try to comeback tomorrow" he said. I looked up and smiled. "Even though I'm looking at you. And talking to you. I miss you, River" I say. He smiles at me and walks in to a bright light.

I lay down and look up at the ceiling. I heard his voice "go to sleep, sun shine" he whispered. And my eyelids closed

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