Chapter 10

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A/n: last chapter ;(

Brandi POV

I woke up early in the morning. I hadn't slept that good since before river came to visit me. River. River! He's gone. He left me. I started crying. "Why'd you leave me river. I don't know what to do now River" I cried to him. He wasn't here. But I just cried. "Take me with you" I said.

"Brandi. Get dressed it's almost time for school" I heard my mom say from behind the door. "Okay mom" I said wiping my tears. I got up and got dressed. I did my hair and make up and ran downstairs. "Brandi. Aren't you going to eat breakfast?" My mom asked me.

"No it's okay mom"I sighed. "Oh. Ok. Take care" she told me. I was about to leave but I stopped myself. I turned around and ran to my mom surprising her with a huge bear hug. "Oh" my mom jumped in surprise. "I love you mama. I appreciate all you do for me" I tell her. "I love you to sweetie. I love you too" my mom said looking at me in the eyes.

I walked to school trying not to cry. I didn't want anyone to see me cry. So I had a huge headache from holding back tears. I felt so lost. So depressed.

             •over a year later•

"Congratulations kids year of 2016" my principle announced. He all got up and threw our caps in the air. "We did it!" I said "we survived high school guys"Claire cheers. "I don't know how I passed not killing anyone in these four years" Alice joked and we laughed. "We graduated,babe" Les said hugging me. Les and have been dating for almost a year now.
Two days after River left.

I haven't seen River since that day but believe he's watching me. There's not a day I go by not thinking of him. I miss him but he was right. I have a life to live and a bright future coming my way. He was right about everything.

I hugged Les back and kissed him. We went over to our parents who were talking to each other. They saw us coming and cheered for us.

I went over to my mom. "Congratulations, sweetie" my mom cheers hugging me. "Thanks mom" I chuckle. "USC is waiting for you now" my mom tells me. "Yup. I can't believe they accepted me. It's my dream school" I responds. "I know" she tells me. "Brandi. Come take pictures with us" Alice tells me. "Okay" I respond and go over to my friends. Our parents were taking pictures of us.

When I saw a bright light appear from a distance. I then saw a young man with long blond hair smiling at me. Oh my god

"Excuse me. I'll be back" I excuse myself. They don't pay much attention to me leaving. I pick up my gown to not trip. It's him. I ran up to him and hugged him. "Congratulations, darling" he says to me. "I missed you so much, River"I say on his shoulder. "I missed you too" he tells me. I let go of him. "I told you you could do it. Look at. You're all grown up." He tells me. "I'm glad you're here" I tell him. "I am to. But you should go before everyone starts wondering where you are" he tells me. "Will I see you again?" I ask him. "Maybe. But just remember I'm always watching you" he tells me. I smile at River. "Good bye" I say. "Good bye" River tells me. I walk away to my friends.

Alice, Claire and Les attack me with a group hug. "I love you guys so much" I tell them. "We love you too, Brandi" Claire tells me. We let go of each other. I look back at where River was, he then vanished. "I love you, River" I whisper to myself.

AUTHORS NOTE: HAPPY BIRTHDAY RIVER PHOENIX 🎉✨💘 I loved writing this fan fic. Thank you to all my readers. I will be starting a new fan fic soon. Follow me to know when it starts. It involves time travel, Corey Haim, River Phoenix, and other 80s actors/actress

-Itzel :x

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