BSM: You guys go to a restaurant and the Waiter hits on you

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BSM: You guys go to a restaurant and the Waiter hits on you

Nick: (17)

It was your birthday so Nick though it would be nice to take you out to lunch to your favorite restaurant. You were so excited since you don't get to see Nick a lot and he was back home for a couple of weeks for your birthday. He took you to (Y/F/R). It was only you and Nick going so you were very excited. When you got there the lady brought you to your table. then the waiter came over.  Hi I'm Adam. I will be serving you today. Can I first start you off with someth8ing to drink? He said ill have a coke please. Nick said. what would the pretty lady over here want? Adam asked.

Um if you could do me a favor and could you please not talk to my little sister like that please! Nick said. Oh, I am very sorry. well anyways what would you like to drink? he asked. ill have a sprit please! once he left I talked to Nick and asked him why he was so calm this time because usually he would've made a big deal out of something like this. Well I didn't want to cause a big thing because it is your birthday and I don't want to ruin your birthday for you! Nick said awe Nick thank you so much! I love you so much! I said I love you too! nick said. Adam came back with our drinks and he felt really uncomfortable and you could just tell  by the way he acted.

Rudan: (15)

Me and Rudan were having a Brother and sister day. We were very excited because I see him but we don't just go out just us two very often. So me and Rudan went to the mall and then we were going to go out to dinner because we were starting to get hungry. So when we got to the restaurant we ordered all the food and then we were just sitting and waiting for our food to be done. when the waiter came back with our food I was so happy because I was so hungry. He gave Rudan his food first and then as he was giving me my food he said and to the beautiful girl over here and he handed me my food. I started to blush because I was embarrassed that he said that in front of my brother. Rudan started to get mad. he started to yell at the waiter and told him to never call me that. That he didn't even know who I was and he was just calling me that. even though I was really embarrassed not because of Rudan but because of what the waiter said to me. I'm so glad that I have Rudan as an older brother. when we started to eat our food and the waiter left I was so happy. Once he was gone and could hear us anymore I thanked Rudan.

Timmy: (14)

I was going out with 5quad because I went with Timmy to Digi. me and Zach are dating all the fams know and they support it and so does Timmy. Everyone in 5quad are like my older  brothers. I love them with all my heart. they are all very protective of me. I will admit I don't like it but I kind of like it because I know they will all watch over me and love me. so we all went out to the restaurant and when we got there the guy brought us to our table and I guess while I was Turing away from the guy who was bring us to our table he checked me out. I didn't know but I guess all the guys did. They started to flip out of the guy saying stuff like " She only 14 and your like 18" " don't check her out" " don't ever think of even looking at her again". they were saying more things but I couldn't hear it that well. out of the boys Timmy and Zach were the ones who got pissed off the most. when they finally stopped and sat down I thanked them all and said I love you to all of them because they just yelled at him for just looking at me a certain way! I honestly love them all so much!

Zach: ( 18)
I'm Zach's older sister and I love how close me and Zach are! Me and Zach text everyday if we aren't with each other! But if we are we are always with each other all the time! So I decided since it was a couple days till Zach's birthday I was going to take him out to dinner just me and him! I was so excited!

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