Nick imagine for doyougottabaeornaww

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Kayla's Pov.

I was having (Y/BFF/N) sleeping over tonight. My mom said that we were going to Dinner. So I was getting ready and I texted (Y/BFF/N) to dress nice because we were going out to dinner. But only me, her, and my mom. So I was getting ready and (Y/BFF/N) texted me telling me that she was here. So I went down stairs and I let her in. We went upstairs to my room so I could finish doing my make-up and pick out something to wear. I did my hair all I did was curled it. then I picked something out and I went into my bathroom and I changed. Once I put on the clothes I came out of the bathroom and I finished my make-up. then I went down stairs to see if my mom was ready and she said that she had been waiting because she was already ready a while ago. then we got in the car and we started to go to the restaurant.

All the way to restaurant I was in the car listening the radio and we were jamming out and singing as loud as we could. We did the whole ride to the Restaurant. Then we finally got there we went to our seats then we sat down and ordered our stuff. Once we ordered our stuff my mom and (Y/BFF/N) were telling me that they had a surprise for me. I didn't what it was but I was kind of nervous to hear the surprise they had for me.

*(Y/BFF/N)*- So you know how 5quad is going to be at Vidcon this year?

*Me*- yes I do know that.

*Mom*- Well I've got both of tickets to go out there and meet them. I got you guys plane tickets to California. I even got you guys Meet and Greet tickets.

*(Y/BFF/N)*- Are you excited?

*Me*- I cant even speak right now because I am so excited and I am happy that I am going to me meet him.

Then I got up and hugged both my mom and (Y/BFF/N). I was so happy I almost started to cry but I didn't. then we ate our food. the whole rest of that night I couldn't stop smiling and just being happy! then we went home and me and (Y/BFF/N) stayed up all night talking about how we were going to meet the loves of our lives. then we went to bed! I went to bed smiling about how I was going to meet them!

** Time skips to the days they are leaving for Vidcon**

so (Y/BFF/N) slept over last night since we were going to be leave super early. I got all ready and I didn't my hair and make-up and we made sure we had everything. me and (Y/BFF/N) got to plan what hotel we were staying at. that was the only thing my mom didn't do So we made sure that we were staying in the same hotel as 5quad. Then my mom drove us to the airport.

It was only me and (Y/BFF/N) going because my mom had to work and she said because trusted us to go. So she said that she would drop us off at the airport and she would pick us up when we came back home. So she dropped us off and we went through security and baggage check. then we went to where our plane was going to be taking off. then we got on the plane and took our seat and we waited to take off.

** time skips to when they are at the hotel**

We finally arrived at the hotel. when we got there we out all of our stuff away. when we finally put our stuff away I went and I got in the shower. we got there a day early so tomorrow we could take a shower in the morning and do our hair and out make-up and wear the best outfit I packed. once she got out of the shower we charged all our things we needed to charge. then we went to sleep really early because we wanted to wake up tomorrow and be able to get up early and not look gross because of how early it is.

Then when we got up the next day I took a shower and then (Y/BFF/N) took a shower. while she was in the shower I was blow drying my hair. Then straightened my hair. as I was half way through (Y/BFF/N) got out of the shower and she went and got ready. when I was finally finished I started to do my make-up. After that I went and told (Y/BFF/N) that I was going to go and get some food from the food bar downstairs.

When I went down there I saw Nick Bean. He was in front of me in line and I tapped his shoulder so I could get his attention. When he turned around I said Hi Nick! and I hugged him and he hugged me back. we talked through the whole time we were in line. I asked if we could take a picture and he said yes. then me and him sat down at a table because he asked me if I wanted to eat with him. I said sure. I then old him what my name was. me and him kept talking. then I told him I was going to meet him again later on today during his Meet and Greet. He asked me which hotel room I was in and what floor it was on and I told him. he said that maybe he would come by later and talk to me some more. He gave me his number and then I got a text from (Y/BFF/N) asking me where I was because she was ready and she wanted to get going. I told Nick I had to go because (Y/BFF/N) was looking for me and she was ready to go over to the place where they were having Vidcon since it was only right across the street. Then I said bye and when nick said bye to me he called me beautiful. I started to blush so I said bye handsome. then I went upstair to my room when I got into the room I told (Y/BFF/N) about how I met Nick downstairs and I told him which hotel room we were in and we traded numbers and I told him how I was going to meet him later on today at his Meet and Greet. Me and him talked for a long time and then you texted me and I went upstairs and that's what happened.

After I told her all of that stuff we went across the street to Vidcon. When we got there we just waited outside because a bunch of Younowers were walking around. we got a picture with almost every Younower that was outside, hen we went inside because t was time for the 5quad meet and greet. when we got there was already a lot of people in line but I wasn't worried because I knew I was going to get to meet them. We waited in line for about 45 minutes then it was our turn. When I hugged them Nick said to me hey Kayla! then I started to Nick again for a long time. then hey said that we had to take a picture. once we took it we said bye to all of them I hugged them all again. Nick told me he was going to text me when he's done with the meet and greet because he wants me to go back to his room or he was going to come back to mine. I said I'd go to his he would have to text me his hotel room. When we left I went back to my hotel room. Nick texted me his hotel room. it as only one floor up from mine. he said he would text me when he got back to his hotel room.

I stayed in my room and as soon as I walked through the doors I plugged my phone in so it would charge. While it was charging I had it next to where I was sitting on my bed watching Tv. then I got a text from Nick saying he just got back and I could come by. I asked (Y/BFF/N) if she wanted to come but she said no because she was tired and she didn't want to ruin our fun. SO then I left and I walked up to Nicks room when I got there I knocked on the door and Nick hugged me. he grabbed my waist and I had my hands around his neck. when he put me down we were looking into each others eyes. then we started to lean in and then our lips touched. while we were kissing I felt a spark. When we pulled away the first thing Nick asked was if I felt anything and I said yes. then he pulled me close and he kissed me again. then we went into his hotel room and a bunch of people came into his hotel room. that whole time nick kept his hand on my waist because he was afraid I was going to get lost or someone was going to try and get me. they stayed for like an hour and then they all left. After that me and Nick started to cuddle and watch a movie. After a while Nick and me sat up.

K- Kayla N- Nick

K- so what are we?

N- What do you want to be?

K- I want to be boyfriend and girlfriend but I dint know how you would like that!

N- I would love that. So would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?

K- yes I would love to!

then me and n=Nick kissed and then we cuddled for the rest of the night and I texted (Y/BFF/N) and told I was going to spend the night at nicks and I would come back in the morning. This was by far the best trip ever!



AN: I have no explanation as to why I haven't been writing as much. I'm going to have a hard time writing soon because I'm going to be starting High School this year so I'm going to have a lot of work to do! so I'm sorry if I start to become inactive.


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