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This chapters dedication goes to... blonde-horse-lover enjoy.

I walked into the room, and me being my extremely clumsy self, ran into somebody.

I fell and the air cushioned me before I hit the floor.

I got back up and looked at the person I ran into. It was a boy. He had brown hair and green eyes.

"Hi. I'm Trevor." He introduced, holding out a hand.

"Darby." I commented, taking his hand. He shook my hand.

"These are my friends." I say. "Sarah, Talyn, Bethany, and Aaliyah." He smiles and shakes each of their hands in turn.

"So what are your elements?" He asks my friends.

"Earth." Sarah says mysteriously

"Water." Aaliyah says.

"Fire." Bethany grins.

"Air." Talyn breathes.

"Long ago, the four nations lived
together in harmony. Then, everything changed when the fire nation attacked." I insert.

We laugh.

"Anyway, what are your elements?" I question him.

"Fire and Earth." He says. "Yours?"

"All of them." I say kind of sheepishly.

"Oh." He says. "You're the elemental."

"Yup." I reply. "That's me."

"Listen up class." Out coach yelled. "I am Coach Marek." She had short gray hair and she was wearing sunglasses. "Today, the first person who can reach the inside of the mountain without flying while things are being thrown at you, and is the last one standing inside, wins. You have to try and take out the other students. Render them ucaba lie of moving, but don't kill them." She says, using lots of hand gestures.

We line up at the bottom of the mountain.

"Go." Coach Marek yelled. I run towards the mountain with the air pushing against my back. I reach the mountain and try and tunnel my way through. The top layer was dirt but the rest of it was plastic. Unbreakable plastic.

I frown and continue up to the top. For some reason, the air wasn't helping me. I turned back and saw coach Marek holding out her hands.

"She can control the air." I growled to myself. I could too, but she was more powerful.

I shook my head and the earth started pushing my feet up. I reached the top of the mountain and looked down. About half of the class was climbing still, but the other half must have made it into the mountain somehow.

I climbed up to the very peak in order to get a better view, and fell through.

"Aggghhhhhh!!" I yelled. I twisted around so that I was facing the ground.

I threw out my hands and stopped. I glanced around and set down on the ground. I turned cautiously, taking in my surroundings. Seeing nothing, I headed towards the trees.

I heard a whooshing noise behind me and turned around in time to see a fire ball whooshing towards my face. I ducked down and sent it flying back at its attacker.

I flew up into the air to look around. I saw a huge lake. I flew over to that I jumped in. I concentrated and could practically feel myself turning into the water.

I swam around, and when people came near the lake, I shot them with water.

Finally, coach Marek yelled,

"Two contestants left."

I decided that I should get out of the water. When I got out I formed back into my human self. I cautiously approached the woods.

When I was about 15 feet away, a ball of fire shot out from the trees.

I fell back and landed on the ground, which then formed cuffs on my ankles and wrists.

"Darby, I thought you were smarter than that." Trevor teased. I glared at him and struggled against the cuffs. They melted away and I stood up.

He frowned and got into his battle stance. I jumped up and hovered a few feet above the ground.

He shot balls of rocks at me which I turned around so they were going towards him.

I made the earth uneven under his feet so that he tripped and fe onto the ground. I quickly summoned the water from the lake to chain him. I threw him out of the mountain.

"The winner is, Darby Sanderson." I cheered and shot out of the hole. I landed on the ground next to my friends.

"You cheated." Trevor mumbled. I laughed and punched his shoulder.

"Ow." He complained.

We laughed and started walking back to our dorm.

"Bye Trevor." We called. He waved in reply.

We reached our room and I had a fantastic idea.

"Guys guys guys guys guys guys-" I started.

"What?!!" Bethany yelled.

"Ooh. Touchy." I grinned. "Anyway. We should all dye our hair. Like the colors of our elements." They stared at me in shock and we laughed.

"Yea. That's a great idea." Aaliyah agreed. "I have hair dye in the bathroom."

"Why do you- you know what, never mind." I said.

Aaliyah left and and came back with four different colors of hair dye.

I decided to dye the tips of my hair blue, and put a small streak of red, green, and white.

When we were done, Sarah had free streaks in her hair, Bethany's hair was died red at the tips. Talyn had two white streaks at the front of her hair, and Aaliyah had decided to dye the tips of her hair blue.

Once my hair was dry, I tied the three streaks in a tiny braid.

"This was a great idea." I say happily. "Let's go to lunch." They agree and we head downstairs.
Hey guys. My phone is about to die so, yea.

Did you have to do this? I was thinking that you could be trusted
Did you have to ruin what was shiny? Now it's all rusted
Did you have to hit me, where I'm weak? Baby, I couldn't breathe
And rub it in so deep, salt in the wound like you're laughing right at me

Oh, it's so sad to think about the good times, you and I


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