The First Battle

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We go back to the school, and the boys drop us off.

"See you later?" I ask. He nods and turns around, his wolf form bounding into the forest. His friends follow him and their bodies disappear in the thick foliage.

I turn and hook arms with my friends. We step forward and start skipping singing 'Off To See The Wizard' from The Wizard of Oz.

We reached our room and I got my key out of my pocket. I went to put the key in, but the door swung open. I glanced at my friends and pushed the door open.

I gasped at the sight that stood before us. Our room had been trashed. My clothes were strewn across the room, and my beds covers were untucked. Our waste bins were dumped over, and the trash was in our beds.

"What happened?!" Sarah exclaimed. I shook my head in disbelief. I could practically hear Bethany, Talyn, and Aaliyah's mouths drop open.

"My pictures." Talyn whined. Her horse pictures were crumpled and the glass frames were shattered.

"Who did this." I whispered.

"I don't care who did this. All I know is that we're going to clean it up. I can't stand it being like this." Bethany stated. I nodded in agreement and walked over to a knocked over waste in, and dragged it over to my bed.

I picked through the trash and dropped into the basket, piece after piece.

When my bed was free of litter, I made it neatly. I smoothed over the covers and put the waste basket back where it belonged.

I went into our closet and got out the broom and dustpan to sweep up the shards of glass by Talyn's dresser.

Bethany takes the ripped posters of the wall and dumps them in the trash, Sarah wipes up the footprints on the floor, Aaliyah throws away the toilet paper on the floor, and Talyn was wiping the dry erase marker off the walls.

When our room is clean, I collapse on my bed.

"Now what?" Questions Aaliyah.

"I say we go to Headmaster Sidon. He should know what to do." Suggests Sarah.

We all agree and head to the headmaster's office.

We reach the door and hear voices arguing inside.

"It's the rogues, I know it is."says a melodious feminine voice.

"With all due respect Mrs Cullevent, we don't know it." Replies our headmaster.

"Shut it Sidon." A voice growled. "It's the rogues. We know because you Elementals don't have any."

"That's not true Mr. Blackson. Elementals have rogues too, but they have the choice to join back." Soothed our teacher. Our listening was interrupted when Talyn went and knocked the door.

Our heads snapped her way and she shrugged. We stepped back as the door opened.

"Yes ladies?" Asked Mr. Sidon. "What do you need?"

"Our room was broken into and trashed." I explained.

"Come on. Let's check the security footage." He said tiredly. We walked farther into his office and saw two other people in here.

"Girls, meet Mrs. Cullevent," he said, gesturing to a short woman with black hair and golden eyes. She waved and smiled, spreading her red lips to reveal the sharp incisors underneath. "And Mr. Blackson." He said, pointing to a tall man with black hair and tan skin.

"Hello ladies." They said in unison. We waved.

"This is, Sarah Nearhart, Talyn Dierk, Bethany Pils, Aaliyah McDon, and Darby Sanderson." Mr. Sidon introduced while checking his computer. We waved in turn.

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