Chapter 2

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Niall's POV

(Pretend Niall has Super powers and can go from America to Ireland in 2 seconds)

I burst into the hospital with Harry, Liam, Louis, and Zayn behind me. I quickly rushed to the front desk. There was lady sitting at a computer.

"Hello, how can I can help you?" She asked.

"My mum, Maura Horan." I said quickly.

She typed the name into the computer. Louie patted my back but I couldn't calm down.

"Room 243." She said. I quickly walked down the hall with the 4 boys following. We got to the elevator, I pressed the 6th floor button. The elevator doors closed. There were so many thoughts going through my head. I felt my breathing start to speed up.

"Niall, calm down. Breath" Liam said to me. I took a big breath in and exhaled. The doors opened. I almost ran out. I walked quickly down the halls passing rooms till we reached room 243. I took a deep breath and looked through the small window and saw my little sister holding my dead mum's hand. I saw the tears running down her face. I opened the door.

"Niall" Rachel whispered. I walked over to her and pick up her small body. I sat down and put her in my lap. She buried head into my black sweatshirt and cried into it. I rubbed her tiny back and took my mums hand. By now the tears were pouring down my face.

"Shhh babe. Everything is going to be alright." I whispered in her small ear. Rachel took her small head out of my sweatshirt and looked at me. Her eyes were puffy from crying.

"Wh-what's going to happen to me?" She asked in between sobs.

"Your gonna stay with me, Hun." I said to her. "How about we go back to the house." She nodded and looked at mum. Rachel kissed her on the head then looked at me.

"Harry, Liam, Zayn, and Louie are outside. Do you wanna go say hi?" She nodded and walked out of the door. Now I was alone with the person who raised me and cared for me. I kissed my mum on the head and walked out of the door.

Rachel's POV

I kissed my mommy on her cold head and walked out of the room door. I turned the corner and saw the rest of Niall's band mates. When they saw me they all rushed and came over by me.

"Hey Rachel." Louie said in a soft, sweet tone. I could barley smile and felt the tears brim In my   Eyes again.

"Come here baby." Louie said and picked me up on his hip. I snuggled my head into his shoulder and let the tears fall out. Harry started rubbing my back.

"It's okay, shhh, it's okay." His deep voice rang. I heard the door open and saw Niall walk out. His eyes were red and puffy.

"I'm sorry mate." Liam said and started patting his back.

"It's okay, nobody could have done anything to save her. Except the bitch who hit her in the accident. " I herd Niall mumble under his breath. We just stood there for a minute. Louie holding me and Harry rubbing my back. Liam patting Niall's back and Zayn just kinda standing.

"Well I think I'm going to take Rachel home for the night and get her things packed up." Niall said breaking the silence and walking towards me.

"Okay mate, we booked a hotel room just a few blocks away. Call us if you need anything." Louie said handing me to Niall.

"Thanks for everything, lads. I'll see you tomorrow." Niall said to them. My head was buried into his shoulder.

"Bye baby girl." I heard Harry's deep voice say as he kissed my head. I took my face out of Niall's shoulder and saw Louie coming over to me.

"See you later babe." He said. Liam kissed me on the cheek and Zayn whispered "love you Hun." In my ear. I thought it was sweet how much they cared for me.

"You ready to go home?" Niall asked. I nodded but knew without mommy it wasn't home.


Authors note

Sorry it's took so long. Im writing this on my phone ands it's hard. I hope you like the book so far it will get more interesting further in. Keep commenting, voting and reading. Luv ya babes😘


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