Chapter 3

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Rachel's POV

We just drove up to the house. I was in the back of the car while Niall was driving. We didn't say anything on the way back. The house looked dark and scary. 

"Come on Hun." Niall said opening the car door for me. We walked to the front door and went inside the house.

"Okay, so do you want any thing to eat." Niall asked. I shook my head no.

"Rachel you have to eat something."
"But I'm not hungry." I said to him. Niall sighed.

"Well I'm going to order a pizza and you can have some." He said

"Fine." I mumbled. As Niall ordered the pizzas I sat on the couch. I was just staring at the blank TV screen when I felt someone pick me up. I squealed and turned my head to see Niall with a stupid grin on his face. Then I felt his big finger go in my ribs. I laughed and he kept on tickling me.

"Ni-Niall! St-stop it." I said in between my own laughter.

"Now why would I do that." Said Niall who was now blowing raspberries into my neck.

"Be-because you lo-love me." I could barley say. I heard the door bell ring. Niall shot up.

"Pizzas hear." He said. He walked to the door to get the pizza. I caught my breath and sighed. The only way Niall would stop tickling me was food. That boy does like his food.

I heard the door close and Niall do a little dance with the pizzas in is hands. He put them down and got out two plates. Niall put 1 slice of pizza on one plate for me and 4 slices on his plate. He handed me my plate and he sat down next to me. We finished dinner and now Niall wanted to give me a bath.

"Get up there missy." Niall said while I chimed up the stairs into the bathroom. Niall turned on the bathtub and made sure it was warm. While the bath was filling up he took my clothes off. (Do not think dirty children!) He plopped me into the water.

"Niall, it's too hot!" I whined.

"Baby just wait awhile and you'll get used to it." He told me. Which worked after about 2 minutes the water started to get cooler.

Niall took the scrubber thing and put lot of soap on it. He rubbed it up and down my back
and on my stomach. Then he washed it off with water. He did the same with my legs and arms. Next was the hair. I hated washing my hair because it's so long and thick.

"Niall do you have to wash it." I complained dodging his hands which were slathered in shampoo.

"Yes we do. Now bring your head here." Niall said.


"Rachel." he said in a stern voice. I didn't like it when he used that voice, it made me feel scared.

"Ok I'm sorry." I said quietly

"It's ok baby." Niall said and kissed my head.after he washed my hair, which I hated, I got out and Niall helped me get into my pajamas.

"Let's go brush your teeth." Niall said. I followed him into the bathroom. He grabbed my pink tooth brush and put a glob of toothpaste on it.

"Open up." He said. I opened my mouth and he started brushing around. After that we walked back to my room so I could go to bed.

"Okay babe, climb in there." I hoisted myself up and Niall laid next to me. I closed my eyes and snuggled into Niall's chest.

"Niall." I said.

"Yes princess?" He replied

"I miss mommy." I could barley whisper as the tears formed in eyes.

"I know I miss her too." He said rubbing my back. The tears ran down my face. Nuall started sing Spaces

(Pretend the lyrics are here. I'm lazy👏🏼)

Soon darkness came over me and I was asleep.


Authors note

I hope you enjoy. This is coming very slowly😫.
I write the chapters at like 1 in the morning every night... Yeah pretty much explains my life. Omg there's so much drama in the 1d fandom. Like Zayn and Perrie which I'm crying about and Louis is going to be a father which I'm like whoa there. So I hope you like the story and keep commenting, reading, and voting.
Love ya babes😘


Niall's baby sisterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora