Chapter 1

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Hi my names Rachel. I'm 5 years old. I live with my mom, my brother used to live with us but he's on tour
with his band. He's names Niall. He's in One Direction. Yes, he is the Niall Horan and is band is THE One direction.
I miss him a lot but I know he's having fun with his band on tour.

My dad left when I was 3. I remember him always getting really mad at me and my mom. He some times hurt me. I have a scar on my back from him hitting me.
Now to reality
Rachel's pov
"Rachel! Rachel! Honey it's time to get up!" My mother said gently.
"Wha....." I moaned.
"Here" my mum said giving me a sweater with a pink shirt on under it.she handed me cheetah print legging. I put them on and my mum's help. She brushed out my thick light brown hair.

At school
It was recess time and me and my best friend were tag. When we got back inside the teacher told me to get my things and go to the lobby. When I got there my mum's friend Kiley was there crying. When she saw me she pulled me into a big hug.

" Shhhhhhhhh everything will be alright " she said. I had no idea what she was talking about. "Why are you crying?" I asked her in the car. "You'll see" she said to me in a sweet tone. We pulled up to the hospital. " Why are at the hospital." I asked her a little bit afraid.

   She took my hand we walked into the hospital. We went up to the front desk lady. "How can I help you?" She asked. "Maura Horan" Kiley said. The front desk lady typed something into her computer.

"Room 243." She said. Kiley thanked her and we quickly walked to the elevator. We got in there was nobody else in it but us. Kiley pushed the 6th floor button.

"What happened to mommy?" I asked again. This time Kiley bent down to my height.

"Mommy got into a bad car accident and she got really hurt." Kiley said to me. "Mommy died."

What. My mommy died. The only person there for me. Dead. I felt the tears weld in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry." Kiley whispered to me. I stood there blankly, tears rushing down my face. The elevator dinged and the doors opened.

"This way." Kiley took my hand we walked to a room with the number 243.

"Do you want to see mommy?" Kiley whispered. I nod she opens the door for me.

I was alone in a room with my dead mother in it. I walk up to the side of the bed. There lay my beautiful mom. By now the tears were streaming down my face. I sat down next to her. I took her cold, pale hand and just sat there crying.

Niall's POV

  Right now I was chilling in the hotel room in Seattle Washington. We were on the on the road again tour. I was eating a sandwich when my phone started.

N= Niall         Q= lady at hospital

N: hello
Q: hello is this Niall Horan
N: it is and who is this
Q: this is Rebecca from Mullingar Hospital. I'm here to imform you about your mother, Maura Horan.
My heart dropped.
N: wh-what happened to m-my mother
Q: I'm sorry but your mother got in a Terrible car accident and unfortunately died.
This can't be happing

I hung up the phone with millions of things rushing through my head. I felt the tears brim in my eyes. Then it hit me: what about Rachel. Just then Liam walked through the door. When he saw me he stopped.

"What's wrong?" He asked me worriedly.

"M-my mum died." I barely whispered. "What" he came and sat on the bed next to me.

"She was in a car accident and died." As I said that all the other boys came in.

"Hey." Zayn (yes he's in this story) said to us. I looked at Liam.

"I'll tell them." He whispered. I nodded. They walked out of the room. A couple of minutes later they all came back in.

"We're so sorry." Harry came and sat on the bed next to me. I just sat there with tears coming out of my eyes.

"I have to go back to Mullingar." I went and started packing my things.

"Of course you do but what about the tour." Louis said. I sat there thinking.

"Well delay it because we're going with you."Liam said. (Omg that was cheesy)


Authors note
I'm so sorry it took so long. After I wrote the description I started to write the chapter and I didn't really get around to finishing it. Now it's up i hope you like it and I promise I'll have the next chapter up sooner. Comment, vote and keep reading. Love ya babes😘

- madison💜

Niall's baby sisterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora