the beginning call

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Hɛʀɛ ɨs tɦɛ ɖaʏ աɦɛռ I staʀtɛɖ ʄɛɛʟɨռɢ ɛɛʀɨɛ ʄɛɛʟɨռɢ sօʍɛօռɛ ɨs աatċɦɨռɢ ʍɛ ɮʊt I ҡռօա ɨt աas օռʟʏ ʍɛ ʄɛɛʟɨռɢ aʄʀaɨɖ ...ɖaʏ օռɛ.. Oċtօɮɛʀ 1tɦ

Hɨ ,I'ʍ Lʊċʏ ɮʟօօɖաɛʟʟs
I ɦaʋɛ staʀtɛɖ ɢօɨռɢ tօ sċɦօօʟ ɮʊt ɨt ɨsռ't ʝʊst a ordinary sċɦօօʟ ɨts a Christian exorcism sċɦօօʟ ċaʟʟ tɦɛ tʀʊɛ ʀɛɖ ċʀօss aċaɖɛʍʏ . ɦɛʀɛ at tɦɨs sċɦօօʟ ʏօʊ ʟɛaʀռ aɮօʊt ɖɨssɨռɢ ɖɛʍօռs aռɖ exercising demons օʊt օʄ people's ɮօɖɨɛs aռɖ աɦɛռ ʏօʊ ɖօ ɨt ʏօʊ ɦaʟʄ tօ ʊsɛ a stʀօռɢ saʏɨռɢ օʀ ʏօʊ աɨʟʟ ɮɛ ɨռ ɮɨɢ tʀօʊɮʟɛ tɦat's aʟʟ I ҡռօա ɮɛċaʊsɛ I ʝʊst staʀtɛɖ I ʝʊst ɦօքɛ ɨt ɨsռ't tօ sċaʀʏ ɮɛċaʊsɛ ʟast tɨʍɛ I ɛռċօʊռtɛʀ tɦɨs աas ʍʏ ʍօtɦɛʀ ʀɨta aʄtɛʀ աɦɛռ sɦɛ աas sɨċҡ aռɖ ʟօօҡɨռɢ ʟɨҡɛ sɦɛ աas ɖɨɛɨռɢ ɮʊt ɨt աasռ't ռօ ɨʟʟռɛss ɨt աas a ɖɛʍօռ ɛatɨռɢ aաaʏ ɦɛʀ sօʊʟ. sօ ʍʏ ʄatɦɛʀ ɦaɖ tօ tɨɛ ɦɛʀ ɖօառ ɮɛċaʊsɛ ɖɛʍօռs ʟօʋɛ ʟɨttʟɛ ċɦɨʟɖʀɛռ sօʊʟ tօ ɛat aռɖ քօssɛss sօ ʍʏ ʄatɦɛʀ ċɦasɛ ɮʟօօɖաɛʟʟs ɦaɖ tօ ċaʟʟ a քʀɛɨst and so she doesn't die by the demon that is eating her insides.

Then later on the years she been trying to collect her memory but the weird thing is that something kept making her forget it so one day she died from a heartattach on my birthday December ,3,1998
My father was so devastated after his loss of his wife then later on the week of her death he couldn't even think of what he could do anymore then December 25th he looked at me and smiled and gently touch my face and wiping my tears from my eyes saying " my dear Lucy I love you so much and I don't want you ever forgetting your mom or I as your father" I looked at my dad and started to look down my stomach feeling so sick to hear my father saying that I could not stop crying and hold my dad's hand and couldn't bear the loss of my ʄatɦɛʀ taҡɨռɢ ʍʏ ʄatɦɛʀ ɦaռɖ ɦօʟɖɨռɢ ɨt "ɖaɖ I ʟօʋɛ ʏօʊ sօ ʍʊċɦ I աօʊʟɖ ռɛʋɛʀ ʄօʀɢɛt ʏօʊ օʀ ʍօʍ" my dad looked at me and smiled gently removing his hand and patting my head as my dad chuckled and kisses my forehead my dad walked away and look ɮaċҡ "Merry Christmas Lucy I wish you sweet ɖʀɛaʍs"...
Aռɖ aʄtɛʀ tɦat ɖaʏ I ռօ ʟօռɢɛʀ saա ʍʏ ʄatɦɛʀ ʟɨҡɛ ɦɛ ɖɨsaքքɛaʀɛɖ in tɦɨռ aɨʀ ....

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