let the shadows dance

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I don't understand what happened yesterday its like two worlds shift at once..anyways time for a nice shower feel clean and also getting my hair ready I can't believe that this campus has a ball dance every Halloween even today is the day !

October 23 ,2011

Taking my towel as I set it on the counter top from the sink as I keep the water running waiting till the heat kick in
I lock my door and I go ahead and get in "aww so warm I always love showers water is such a good thing to have when stressful things are on my shoulder its like they can wash it away ".. As I take the bar a soup washing my body as I scrub my shoulders feeling the nice hot water .taking my shampoo and conditioner washing my hair as I hear a click like a door I peeked out of my shower curtain I look around and I see no one I go back washing my hair as I have my eyes close washing my face I feel chills up my spine like someone was behind me staring I wipe my face quickly turning around and seeing no one there I sigh in relief glad no one was there I turn off my shower stepping out onto my rug taking my towel as I take my brush going towards my bed and seeing a letter and a black rose with a white bow on it I set down my brush and taking the letter seeing no signature on it "huh? That's funny why is eric giving me letters even though I know its him but there is no signature on it "? I open the letter "hello Lucy I can't wait till the clock ends by the night seeing you in you're beautiful dark navy blue with black sparkles so dark that everyone will recognize you as it sticks out from the light of crowd my dear lucy please as you take my hand but as I you always feared to see ..

sincerely unknown
P.s. dont let the shadows see you.."

I was concerned why would anyone send this message and its not eric but I'll see if it is but wait what happened if it wasnt eric what would he do no not a good idea I thought to myself.. I look over at the window seeing how gloomy it is like its about to rain as
I walk over to my dresser putting the letter in one of the drawers .I turned back hearing a knock on my door as I shout out "who is it"
"Its me kaiden can I come in "?
"Sure come in I'll be right there"!
kaiden open the door as I run over surprised I thought I locked the door I stare at kaiden "what's wrong Lucy why you looking at me like that"? I hold up my towel making sure it doesn't fall off "ahaha what oh I just had to remember what I was going to say ,well uhm let me go get my dress "I run over to my closet giving a slight laugh "oh wow it looks pretty gloomy outside I hope it doesn't storm "kaiden looks out the window as she holds her dress in a bag ".I walk out of the closet holding my dress looking at kaiden "oh kaiden sometimes I think you're a fortune teller but I hope not this time I hate it to let it storm on the day of the Halloween ball dance". Kaiden giggles as she puts her bag on my bed taking her dress out "well I can be wrong at times aha so probably I am well Lucy let's get ready alright"! I smile and taking out a box with all the things we need ."alright kaiden let's do this ahaha"!


"Hey Eric you getting ready for the dance thing "? As evin take his comb threw his hair
Eric looks over as he puts his tie on ."yeah man can't you see well I see you're all ready aren't you evin"? Evin chuckles giving a grin "oh yes I am ! I can't wait to see the hot Babe of mine all ready for me in a beautiful classic dress classic is all my style that's why I'll go every year like its my time to shine but now "! Eric interrupts " and now you dont have to shine alone you can shine brighter the one you love ? right I get it evin but ". Evin looks at eric as he puts down his comb "yes eric I know we half to keep a eye on her I get it ". Eric turns around taking a red rose " yes also kaiden , kaiden is a person to get into things that she doesn't need to ..if kaiden sees what Lucy can it wouldn't be a pretty sight for her but Lucy has a reason its just that why haven't Lucy seen them before why now I just hope ". Evin sets his hand on eric shoulder giving him a smile ."hey man no need to get worried plus I'll be with kaiden so she will be perfectly fine even though two oppisits working together could be dangerous at points". Eric chuckles as he bumps his shoulder into evin "yeah , can't believe two opposites are working together just knock on glass so nothing dangerous happens you might of jinx something Evan well anyways let's go get are girls let's see what there up to ". Evin chuckles "yeah I should knock on glass huh ". As evin follows eric .

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