the last petal

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"Lucy with me .." I see eric putting his hand out awaiting for mine as I look around seeing a room filled with flowers but one colored white . as I take eric hand as we dance but the weird thing was I didn't feel happy I felt uneased sick enough to not think I'm holding his hand as he pulls me in close as we dance "lucy are you having fun my dear "? Eric looks at me with kind lust eyes "yes ,of course I am ". I gave him a slight smile as we spin around as I follow in his footsteps "lucy you seem scared , are you afraid of me "?
I looked straight at eric concerned "no eric, why would I be afraid of you "?
Eric grins "lucy would you except me in your life "? As eric stops, holding me close I was feeling sicker then I was I don't get it why would I feel like this "what you mean in my life I already "? Eric leans down bringing his face closer to mine "eric what are you doing "?
"Shh lucy feel my love let me take you with me ". His voice got slower but deeper echoing inside my head as I feel loosing all my senses closing my eyes..

"LUCY NO DONT GET FOOLED "! I open my eyes quickly hearing eric voice as I turn around seeing eric but it didn't look like eric at all .his eyes were red he look taller then he was seeing wings and horns, surprised as I look in front of me seeing another eric confused "wait ? What the hell is going on if that's eric who are"? My mind clicked remembering that I was with the shadow man as I step back in shock "I knew it you're not eric you're the shadow creature, no"! I turn around running to eric ."no,lucy you're soul is mine"! I ran to eric getting jolted back seeing chains on my wrists I scream out to eric seeing him run to me "no lucy I'm coming"! As I get pulled back hearing the shadow man laughter growing louder and louder.

I couldn't believe what was happening I was afraid am I going to die ? As eric grabs me holding me close to him "lucy don't let him get to you,you have to believe that your stronger then him don't be afraid of him he's nothing but a usless shadow"!
As I scream out at eric "how can I think that ! Eric I don't even know where I am and who are you how are you eric"! Eric sighs as his grip get tighter "lucy please believe in me I am eric please understand but this is about you right now life or death"!

the chains pull me in seeing the shadow man take out one of his blades from his mouth I look at eric "I choose life"! As I yell out as the shadow man swings but his blade has been deflected like I was in a barrier
I stood up forcing myself to get out of the chains . when I blink I saw evin holding his hands out to me smiling I look around being in a rose garden "lucy please choose where you want to be , choose where you belong don't be afraid what you choose be brave lucy".
"What you mean evin choose my place , bravery I don't understand and wasn't I with eric"?
Evin smiles as he takes my arm "lucy do one thing for me open your eyes ".
"What"? I open my eyes realizing I was still in the ball room as I stood up seeing I was in a white ball gown as I turn around seeing eric,evin,and the shadow man standing there holding there hand out "shall we dance Lucy bloodwells " ? All of them smile at me as I walk towards eric but then I saw eric in a demon form I look at evin seeing him in his angel form then I look at the shadow man seeing him as a man with brown hair with blue eyes his pail skin he had black wings I was confused why do I see him in a form who is the shadow man as I walk to the shadow man taking his hand "I like to dance with you sir I want to know who you are " ?

The shadow broke seeing his real form as he smiles "my name kikyo merosize I'm glad that you can see me now ,my real form ".

I dance with kikyo seeing the same rose but it was turning black I felt a sharp pain in my chest "I'm sorry kikyo but I half to go I can't stay here with you ".eric runs to me grabbing me by the hand as evin does the same seeing the portal closing "we will make it stay with us lucy"! I looked back seeing kikyo running to me as he puts his hand out to my chest not realizing what he was doing I gasp for air seeing eric and evin leaving .

"We made it "! Evin looks at eric smiling as eric holds me close as he sighs in relief "ya we made it I'm glad are you ok lucy "? As eric looks down at lucy seeing her not move "lucy"? Eric puts me down on the floor as he check my heartbeat eric slams his fist down on the ground making a whole in the grown "dammit.. ! She has no heartbeat"! Evin turns back around in shock "what you mean she has no heart beat"! Eric looks up at evin "lucy... She is..". Evin sits down putting his hand on my chest shocking her with his power "lucy! Wake up"! Eric puts his hand to his forhead not trying to cry "evin..". Evin kept forcing his powers into lucy chest trying to revive her "lucy! She can't die she is stronger then that"!
Eric grabs evin hands making evin stop making him use his power "lucy her soul..her soul isn't with her anymore ".. Evin breaks down into tears "but how I thought we had her in time I knew for sure she would be safe ".. Eric picks up Lucy head holding her close hugging lucy as he crys "I won't let you go I will be back lucy even evin will save you as well we will never let you be in the dark forever you are coming back home ..lucy"..

I look down seeing my hands were transparent as my wrist were tied with red ribbon "where am I "? As I look down on myself wearing a black dress my feet tied in red ribbon "lucy you are with me now forever and always will be in my arms as I your nightmare me as kikyo your love as I have eaten your soul ". I look seeing kikyo arms wrapped around me ,my body paralyzed as I feel my eyes getting heavier by the second as I see nothing but black ...the last petal the petal filled with black as it falls like snow but then turns into ashes ...

As we all say things will be better but then ends as a dream but a nightmare were you will still be living ...

Sweet dreams angel

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