Chapter 14; You..?

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Seohyun's POV

"Y-Yoongi.." I whispered out after he broke the kiss, my heart pounding rapidly as I looked at him in pure shock.

He didn't said anything and couldn't look at me in the eyes.

"What was that.. for?" I asked him, hoping to get an answer from him. But to no avail, he still didn't respond.

I am getting frustrated with him, he just can't leave me in the air, still fazed on what he did.

I sighed in irritation, attempting to pry his arms off me. But he just tightened the embrace and placed his chin on my left shoulder, hearing his breath shakes.

"Don't leave.. Stay with me.. Just for a little longer please.." He pleaded making me bite the insides of my cheeks. "This will be the last day that I get to be with you.. I may not be able to see you again after this.. So this is my only request for you.. Stay with me until I wake up.."

I don't know would I able to answer him.. I know he knows what I've talked with my dad through the phone..


I tapped my fingers against the cold surface of the table, the music and the peoples' chatterings are the source of the noise inside this café.

Yes.. I'm at a café again..

Though this time, I'm waiting for someone.

I let out a sigh as I set my gaze on my phone, thoughts endlessly flying inside my head. I'mmm so confused yet dying to find out the person who wants to meet me so desperately.

"Here's your coffee sir."

Pursing my lips into a thin line, I glanced at the entrance. The bell chiming as the door pushes open.

A rather familiar person greeted my sight, she was looking around until she noticed my gaze.

The person smiled with forced and a mixture of sadness and regret as she walked towards my table.

My eyes widened once I got a closer look in her face. My breath shooks as I pointed my index finger at her.

"Y-you?! Why are you here?!" I stuttered, anger and frustration building up inside me. She looks at me with teary eyes, mustering an another pained smile.

"I hope you'll forgive me on what I've done, Seohyun.. Because of me..."



A very short chapter. Dammit brain. Sorry guys.

Happy 1k followers guys, I love you all ♡

So I think in about 8-10 more chapters and this book will finally end. And I will be doing a special SeoYoon One Shot based on a question that I received through inbox.

I'll update soon! Sorry for the long wait! Take care of yourselves guys!


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