4. New Driver

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hey you!

sorry for late updated, i got assignment to be submit.

new chapter from me,

red alert : not edit yet....


btw, kindly drop your comment and push that star button for VOTE! please help boost my mood on writing by ur lovely vote :)


HunLove Ry!


"Hey you" he said with the adorable on his face.

Gosh! I stood still. My eyes narrowed at him, tried to get through him in case he is an illusion of my morning suffered! Then I heard him cleared his throat.

Brain! Give me a break! Start working!

I tried to grabbed my dignity that already fallen apart on this pretty gold tile. Pretty much all my arranged to kill Mr. New driver was total failure.

"Hey...." I answered in awkward voice!

Oh God! Damn it!

"Oh, sorry, Mrs. William...." He opened his door and quickly introduced himself.

I watched him with this amazed look but quickly covered it with natural facial expressions. I still remembered the moment he was bumped into from behind and mocking me for nothing. For now, I need to put that memory aside.

"Hi, I am David and I am so sorry" he said in this begging tone with that hot face.

If he is Fred, I would do anything that scared hell out of him. He got lucky because he is the hottie I missed so much! Oh god, I sound like a desperate girl.

So not me in many ways! Ara! Get you grip!

"Hi..... I am tiara William and I am late to school" I flashed my diva smile. Try to pretend that I cooled enough and not intrigued by his feature.

He mouthed an 'o' before quickly open the limo door for me. His head was looked at that gold tile when I entered the limo. Deep down, I cursed him,

What the heck happened to the floor! Am I not interesting?

After closed the door, I observed him running circling the limo to get back to driver seat. Urgh! He was far away! Who the hell designed this limo!

On the way to school, both of us not talking. Even with Fred, I only talked to him before enter and after left the car because I got nothing to talk! But now, I felt like I want to hear his husky voice. I scanned his muscular body from behind, nothing much I can see except those neck. Even his neck looked sexy! His is army short but not that short.

"Mrs. William, we are just arrived" he voice knocked me off from this lusty-staring.

God! Tiara William losing himself!

I nodded and take a deep breath as he opened the door from outside. I just realized that he not wearing black and white cloth. Instead he wearing this dark green hoodie, jeans and his hair is brown.

I managed to steal his scent. His perfume and soap kicked my adrenalin all the way up to my pity-yet-useless brain. I control my facial as I said,

"Why are you wearing this?"

"Umm, this is my part time job only.... I will not wearing those lame gothic cloth" he snorted as he finished talking.

"Excuse me?" I totally shocked with his sudden changing tone.

When BadBoy Became My Driver! [#watty2015]Where stories live. Discover now