6. Hobbit

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sorry for being late in updating this chapter,

so... VOTE AND COMMENT okay?




I began to tap my shoes in front of the gate for almost 100 hundred. I don't think that I going to do it until one thousand then I going to make a move. I groaned before I pulled out my phone from the pocket of my jeans. I scrolled down the list of phone call from last night and searching for his number,

"Hah!" I squeaked as I managed to find that jerk-bastard phone number. Believed or hot, I do regretted, no! I am totally fudge regretted when I saved his number as 'Husky voice Driver'. I need to change the name into something more appropriate, something more suited him the best, 'SATAN BITCH!'

I was slid the number to make the phone call. I slide it so hard as if the screen was that bastard face!

Oh god! I would like to crush his face like I mashed those potatoes on my plate last night. I can't believe that I calling someone who I just met and much worst, he is my driver and guy! I felt so pathetic right now.

The tut sound began.

Suddenly, my stomach doing this back flip plus summersault while I waited for this jerk to answered my call. I managed to stopped my feet from keep tapping but then, my heart do the tap-dance. One-two-one-two-tap-tap-tap! I closed both my eyes tried to calm my heart from doing the dance.

When my call had been answered. I can swear that my body was not jumping because of excited but I was shocked, just shocked. Nothing else! A second later, I heard a voice, not just a voice, a husky-sweet voice came from my phone,


I bite my lips and shooked my head as my brain kept doing sex with the image of David in my head. I knew that I am weak against this jerk and yet my heart kept dancing whenever he was with me. Even right now,

"Hello, where are...." I tried my best to say in madam-rich tone but my words had been cut half!

"Busy!" David terminate the phone call. He ended my call just like that!

What am I? His sister!

Now my heart burned so hot that I want to fire him right away! I called him again with my breathing in-out, tried to dissolve all the anger in my body.

When tut-tut sound came over, I was braced myself to hear his husky once more.

No more dancing!

Then few second later, my called was rejected. My jaw dropped, my pretty face turned into more sour! Every boys in this school would like queue up for my phone call! Please, I don't need to show any prove. But this bastard just rejected my phone call.

My heart burned even more! Then give him a call, but no answer. I sighed. I want to call Tania to fetch me but then my gut telling me that David was around the school right now. With my limo.

I stood in front of the main gate. I give a thought then decided to follow my gut! My girl-not-yet-woman is all true!

I began my searching, not a searching but man-hunt. When I meet him, i will made him impotent forever! I promised!

My head was doing this left-right exercise while looking for that bastard. I go through all classroom. Still no sign of living creature called bastard except few couples who making out in empty classrooms. Sick!

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