My Addiction

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  • Dedicated to Kíra Usér

So guys this is my new story I hope you all like it, Comment and Vote! :D

My Addiction

Tapping her pencil on the desk, Jezebel watched the clock impatiently waiting for the bell to ring. Sadly she still had twenty minutes left, she sighed in annoyance. Jezebel was in math class and her teacher, - Mr. Black kept droning on about how math was so important to the world. It was so boring she almost fell asleep on him. Looking around she noticed most of her class mates were indeed asleep. She couldn’t help but snicker, he was so boring he put them to sleep. This caught Mr. Black’s attention and he looked around and sighed.

“It seems I’ve put them all to sleep… again.” He said feeling like a failure then he shook his head, he sat down on his stool and looked to Jezebel. “Have you finished all your work?” She nodded, “alright bring it here then.”

Jezebel scooted back in her chair then walked to the front of the class and handed him the paper and he sat it aside. Once she got back in her seat she noticed Mr. Black getting two huge math textbooks and stacking them before they plummeted to an empty desktop. The sound echoed off the walls and all the students jerked wake. It was the usual things that happened on Mondays and Thursdays, kids stayed up later than needed and fell asleep… and Jezebel was one of them.

“Now that you’re all awake let’s get back to work.” Mr. Black said and the class all groaned in annoyance. There were forty problems on the board and they were to be done before class ended, good thing Jezebel got a head start. Now all her efforts would be rewarded with a good fifteen minute nap, as soon as her head hit the desk she was out like a light.

She laughed as she ran through the maze, truly glad she came to this party. Before she knew it she got herself lost, her boyfriend called out her name multiple times. She tried to respond but he couldn’t hear her. Jezebel looked up at the stars and sighed, she started to wonder trying to find a way out. It was seriously dark out and foolishly she didn’t have a light on her, or her cellphone. The slightest movement from the right caught her eye and she shuddered.

A shrub moved and she got a little scared. “Hello?” she said her voice filled with uncertainty. The wind blew but no one answered, the leaves whipped around her like a tornado. Her stomach turned and she started to look for an escape route, but there was none she was completely boxed in. How’d this happen? She wondered turning around in circles.

She ran to a wall and started to try to push through it, she pulled her hand back sharply and she examined her finger. A deep crimson liquid started to rush down her finger: Blood. She shook it off then went for the tall hedge again but stopped when a figure in the shadows caught her eyes. They widened and in the blink of an eye it was on her in a second. His tanned hand grabbed hers and he examined her finger. The scent of it caused his eyes to grow darker; the scent of it… of her was so compelling he had to make her his. He had to know her name…

Swiftly he turned her around to where her back was pressed against his front; she took in a deep breath as he trailed his mouth over her neck. He had to have her and he always gets what he wants, he wrapped his left arm around her waist then his right arm around her torso. “I want you…” He breathed than sank his fangs into her delicate skin.

Jezebel shot up in her chair and automatically her hand went to her neck, her heartbeat sped up. The bell rang and she quickly grabbed her stuff and rushed out of the classroom. I want you… His words rang in her head and she quickly slammed her locker door shut after putting her stuff away.

“Whoa there gorgeous, what’s got you so mad?” Chris asked after falling in step with her while walking down the hallway. He reached for her hand but she pulled it away and jammed it in her jacket pocket, he frowned.

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