Blake ~ Chapter 23 ~

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Blake ~Chapter 23 ~

Letting the smoke circulate in his lungs he held it in as long as he willed it to. Exhaling through his nose Blake looked around the school grounds, school was out. They were on some sort of break. Blake didn’t care for the details, pushing off the wall of the building he walked around the grounds some more. He took in the graffiti that seemed to seep into the brick walls of the school. The bright and dark colors showing so much artistic expression he was disappointed nobody actually took note of it.

Blake decided it was time he made his mark, pulling the cigarette to his lips he took another drag before smashing it on the ground with his foot. Looking down at his bad habit he knew he should just quit, but it wasn’t that easy. Grabbing a few spray cans from his duffel bag that his friends decided to take part in filling he shook it ready to get to work. With the image in his mind he took a ladder and climbed to the very top of it.

Popping the top off with his thumb Blake started making the outline of his work with black paint. He wasn’t worried about anybody coming around there since it was nighttime and it was their break. As he continued the outline, he thought of all the colors he could involve in this masterpiece. With a smirk on his face he pressed down harder on the can’s top as if to make it come out faster, darker.

Making long and graceful strokes he leaned off the ladder, letting it wobble but still able to keep his balance. Jumping down he grabbed all the essential colors needed for what he was working on. Rushing back up on it he continued, after a while the image in his mind started to blur and disappear.

But that didn’t stop him, he started to change the original image that was in his mind to something he didn’t know he was painting until he was done. His arms were starting to become tired as well as his whole body, but he pushed on, wanting... No needing to know how this image would turn out.

He added the last finishing touches onto it as the weariness took over. Tossing the spray can into the bag below him Blake descended, sitting down on the bottom step. Yawning tiredly he rubbed his eyes then leaned against the ladder ready for his own bed.

Just when he was about to be stuck in his subconscious he was pulled out of it by the feet crunching against the grass as they walked near. Blake sat up and watched his friend stop in their tracks. He stared up in awe at the wall before him, in complete amazement. He looked back at Blake. “You didn’t make that did you?”

Blake nodded not knowing what to say seeing as his fatigue was taking over. “Yeah man, I made that... “ He said sleepily.

“Have you even looked at it yet, I mean like really looked at it.” He crossed his arms as he continued to look up at the wall.

Blake tried to keep his eyes open. “No, why?”

His friend smirked. “You might want to see for yourself.”

Blake didn’t know what he was talking about, pulling himself up Blake walked over to his friend then turned around... He then looked right at the wall. His face paled and blood ran to his cheeks, he couldn’t have made that. Blake rubbed his eyes and smacked his face as he tried to make sure he wasn’t just imagining this. He wasn’t.

There it was, expressed in different colors on a wall... On a school wall at that. There was Jezebel’s smiling face, body structure and everything. Surrounded by the color of her eyes: forest green, that blended into black. Her smile, although it was fake, seemed to light up the area even in the darkness. Along with those eyes of hers, big and full of life, curiosity, and love.

It was so surreal they could have sworn she was there herself, in a wall. Blake actually took a step back in surprise as he continued to look at it. It was so embarrassing, all he was doing was following the flow of his thoughts. But then again his thoughts were filled with her more than he’d like, his face reddened even more.

With a smile on his face, his friend looked over to him. “You must really like her, although I’ve never seen her around school. What’s her name?”

Blake couldn’t speak, if he tried his mouth would just open and close, wordless. He couldn’t believe he’d done this, what was happening to him?!

His friend laughed at Blake’s face. “You don’t have to tell me, I guess we’ll find out when school starts up again.” He smiled connivingly, he was so going to record this.   

Blake’s whole face drained of color when he mentioned school starting back up. That was only in a few days, then there’d be around two and a half thousand people surrounded by his handiwork. But the good thing was that they wouldn’t know who did it. Blake sighed and looked up to his friend. It really wouldn’t matter since she hasn’t been to school in so long, he was thinking she was really behind.

Shaking his head Blake walked over to the ladder and closed it setting it aside on the wall. He then picked up the duffel bag and slung it over his shoulder, looking back he yawned again. After opening his eyes again he noticed his friend was gone, Blake shrugged it off in the darkness thinking that he was already at the car.

Walking through the school grounds the trees seemed to make shadows that reached out to him under the moonlight. Then the wind whipped through them, growling like an animal. The wind chilled his bones... But then again, maybe it wasn’t the wind.

Carrying the latter and the duffel bag he had no way to fight back the dark force that was creeping towards him. Blake’s hands were ice cold and the hair on the back of his neck stood on end. Wiping his face with his right hand Blake sighed, it’d be better if his friend would come up and take some of this stuff.

As Blake neared the car He noticed his friend, but he was behind him. He walked towards him speedily, Blake hadn’t noticed something in his hand until he was struck with it. His weary brain hadn’t thought to run although his body gave him enough warnings.

Blake’s friend’s hand trembled as the darkness started to fade away, he was starting to regain his control back. When he saw Blake on the ground in a heep of a mess the darkness took over again and lugged Blake’s lifeless form over his shoulder.

With a malicious smirk that lined his face he started to walk in the opposite direction.

* * * *

Tossing him down on the ground the boy looked at Blake with a frown. The boy was stronger than usual, faster, more agile. He didn’t like this thing that took over his body, he never wanted to hurt Blake. But something was controlling him, and he couldn’t break free of it.

Looking down at Blake again he dragged him by his hair into the large room. Tossing him on the ground again he laughed. “You said you wanted him, well here he is!” The teen put his shoe to Blakes face, turning it slightly. “I don’t know why you’d want him, he is human after all. But no matter, my job is done. Pay up.” He held out his hand waiting for his payment.

After gathering all that he asked for that thing left his body, the boy crumbled to the floor. He was no longer awake, but sleeping. Soon after that he was taken out of the room.

With a dark set of brown eyes the man looked to Blake who lay on the floor, practically lifeless.

An evil smirk lit up his face, looking to his servants he spoke. “I want you to take the boy to one of the nicer rooms. Get Gina to welcome him in the morning, we’ll have to gain his trust if we want him to tell us about where Jezebel is. I don’t think JD’s an ally of ours anymore.” He said with the smallest of frowns.

The servants quickly took him away, leaving the man and Juliana to their own thoughts.


Hello guys, I redid the chapter! It's completely different, so don't worry about the chapter that was on here before! That was all crap. But this is better, it helps me with my road to ending this book! :) I hope you liked it <3 

Oh yeah guys like my Facebook page I make... It's in the external link! :)

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