A Storm's a brewing ~Chapter 6~

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  • Dedicated to Alexis Vickers

A Storm's a brewing ~Chapter 6~

To the right is what Charlie could look like ;D

In the silence the moon shined down bouncing off the grass reflecting a beautiful light. Though this didn’t faze any of the people standing on that grass, Antonio looked to the smirking Dean with an icy cold stare. Charlie gave Michel the same look; they weren’t on good terms, any of them. A while back Dean was put in charge of watching the actual princess but instead of doing his job he tried to “feel her up” and almost ended up hurting her, Antonio didn’t know how he was still alive today. Antonio had the feeling that if he wouldn’t have found Jezebel then later on tonight Dean would’ve taken advantage of Jezebel. Antonio wouldn’t be able to stand that, no way was he letting Dean get his grimy hands on Jezebel.

Now in Charlie’s case he didn’t like Michel for multiple reasons, one of those reasons were because he acted like a nice guy until something doesn’t go his way then he turns into something totally different. He was like a mass murderer in disguise; they didn’t understand why the Vampire Council would order them to watch this girl.

A laughed broke the silence, Dean. “Oh look Michel its Antonio, the lover boy.” He grinned when Dean noticed he got a little rise out of Antonio.

Michel laughed as well; he was a different person now. “Yeah Dean and here’s his sidekick nerd Charlie, talked to Lela lately?” He asked getting a hiss from Charlie. Lela was Charlie's deceased girlfriend that Michel killed, one day Lela was talking to Charlie then Michel showed up looking for his debt to be paid. Lela didn’t have what he needed so instead of giving her the time that she asked for he killed her right in front of Charlie.

Charlie loved Lela with all his being and with her taken away like that, that quickly without being able to say their goodbyes he wanted revenge. Charlie’s chest rose and fell; he tried to keep his calm because he didn’t want to do this here. He wanted it to be on his own turf where he’d have the upper hand. But it didn’t stop him from running over there and knocking his lights out.

Michel hit the floor hard and Charlie took that to his advantage but also leaving his buddy Antonio to Dean. Antonio looked to Dean, he didn’t have time to fight and he couldn’t just put Jezebel down anywhere she was in a weakened state and anything could happen. This was not the right time to settle things but Dean thought differently, Dean went to Antonio full force thankfully he dodged his attack and Jezebel didn’t get hurt. Antonio sighed, Dean already started so there was no stopping him until somebody came out the victor. Antonio was at a big disadvantage and the bad thing was that Jezebel somehow fell asleep in his arms, perfect timing.

Dean went at him again, but Antonio attacked back by kicking him in the jaw. It was fairly hard when he had Sleeping Beauty in his arms. Dean spit out blood to the side of him and fixed his jaw then grinned. What is wrong with this guy? Antonio looked around for some place he could lay Jezebel so she wouldn’t get hurt; the car was too far away. Before he found a spot Dean sucker punched him in the jaw and sent Antonio stumbling backwards, he regained his footing and decided to sit Jezebel under a tree. It wasn’t the safest place but at least she wouldn’t be in the middle of this then Antonio got up and cracked his knuckles.

Dean came at him and Antonio pulled his fist back then got him in the eye, Dean flew back and fell to the ground. Antonio walked menacingly towards him as Dean slowly stood then ran at him, he was a blur. Next thing Antonio knew he was flying through the air himself but he didn’t crash, he planted his feet on the floor and went for Dean.

Dark clouds started to roll in, a storm would be coming soon they could already hear the thunder rolling in the distance. Soon Dean was being thrown again but sadly it was to his advantage, Dean lay right beside Jezebel’s sleeping form. He quickly picked her up and before Antonio could rush to her aid Dean held a blade to her throat, the rain started to pour down now and it was pouring hard.

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