Oh what a lovely mark you have. ~Chapter 3~

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  • Dedicated to Kendra Kirkland

Unedited...BTW to the right is what Antonio could look like.

Oh what a lovely mark you have. ~Chapter 3~   

Jezebel sluggishly got out of bed, walking to her dresser to put her long hair up into a messy bun. Then she was off downstairs, the whole house smelled of apple cinnamon waffles... made from scratch. Every sunday her mother did this, it was sort of a tradition ever since Lacy -her sister- told Jezebels mom that she loved her waffles and she couldn’t live without them when she was younger. Sitting down in a stool she faced the stove that was built into the counter, in front of her was a stack of huge fluffy waffles with the side of strawberries and orange juice.

They were fresh and ready to eat, before she could dig in her sister Lacy came down the stairs and sat in her stool. I wonder what she was going last night.... Speaking of last night how’d I get home? All I remember is going into that maze and meeting that old lady then everything else is a blur. With Jezebels face scrunched up as she thought her mother Anna watched her, she started to dig into her waffles.

Anna carelessly took a bite out of her waffles and looked up to Jezebel. “What are you thinking so hard about Jezebel?”

Jezebel looked up to her mother then shook her head. “It’s nothing mom, I’m just a little confused.” She took a bite out of the waffle. “But these waffles are delicious, better than the ones you made last week.” Jezebel added on quickly to change the subject.

Anna nodded. “So Lacy, where’d you go last night you didn’t come in until early in the morning.”

Lacy was Jezebels younger sister, only by two months so she was treated as the baby of their little family. Although she was sixteen like Jezebel she was a little more protected over mostly because of what she’d done. Lacy rolled her eyes. “Nowhere I just ended up studying late at a friends house.” she answered simply.

Anna’s lips went straight, she knew Lacy was lying and she knew what Lacy was really doing, she just wanted to hear her say it. “What friend? because I called Sam, she said she hasn’t heard from you since friday.” Anna sat up straighter.

Lacy stiffened, she thought Sam would have covered for her but obviously that wasn’t the case since she threw her under the bus. She regained her composure and continued to eat.

“So what were you doing?” Anna pushed on.

Lacy sighed with aggravation and Jezebel watched as they bickered back and forth, this was a regular in the Smith household. She knew not to get in the middle of it, that got her grounded for a week so she just kept her trap shut and watched. “Nothing mother.” She hissed and popped a strawberry in her mouth.

“I’m not buying it.” she waved it off then leaned over the counter a little. “You were with those boys again, street racing weren’t you.” she was so mad, Anna knew her daughter could get in big trouble for this. She could get a fine and go to jail she knew that second hand, and she didn’t want that life for Lacy.

Lacy stood up from her chair and grabbed her plate. “Okay, if that’s what you want to get you off my case then yeah mom I’ve been street racing.” she yelled then stomped up stairs and before slamming the door to her room she added one more thing. “With all those boys!” Then the door slammed shut.

Anna put her head down on the counter and let out a frustrated sigh, Jezebel hating seeing her like this but she couldn’t do anything. Every time she tried to talk to Lacy she wouldn’t listen to reason. So without saying anything she got up and placed her empty plate in the sink, just then Anna caught Jezebels nack. Two piercing wounds infiltrated her delicate skin and it looked swollen but only a tad bit. “Jezebel what’s that mark on your neck?” Anna asked standing up from her stool.

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