18 | Everyone Makes Mistakes

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Nino's POV

We sat there in silence. She wasn't even looking at me. I know it hurt her, to be pregnant with my child and to feel like I cheated on her. I didn't, I may have done some stuff that wasn't right but we weren't together, and if we were, that shit would've never happened. I heard her breath deeply, and motion to wipe a single tear from her eye. I grabbed her hand and she tried to pull away. I'm not giving up.

"Brittany I'm not starting this elevator back up until you listen to me"

"Well I guess we'll be here all day then."

"Yo, why the fuck you gotta be so damn stubborn. You got so much attitude and anger, for what?!" Her attitude towards me angered me. I knew she loved me, but her hurt was taking over her reactions.

"Why am I stubborn Nino?! I'm almost three months pregnant with your baby, I'm thinking we getting ready to start a family and live a happy life, leaving Compton behind for good, then I come around the corner and you back to your old ways! How the hell am I supposed to act towards you? You fill my head up with false hopes, and then snatch them away in a matter of seconds. You straight played me this whole time Nino, smiling in my face, telling me you loved me, when you know damn well you aint happy!" Her words were cutting at my heart. I knew I hurt her, I knew I did, but I didn't know it was this bad.

"Britt I-"

"No Nino, you know what else you did, that I hate you for?! You took away my happiness, you took it away because for a split moment in time, you were unhappy, so you decided to retreat back to the old you. That's not fair to me. I've been here Nino, I have been here, you don't even know how it feels when I see you hurting and all I could do is say that I'm sorry baby and I'm here for you.. I know that ain't change shit but it was all I could do.. You will never understand how it feels to love a man, and give him everything, just for him to steal away everything you've ever dreamed of, in a matter of seconds... so no Nino, I will not listen to you, because nothing you can say, will ever make me want to give you that power over me again." She reached toward the elevator buttons and started it back up. Wiping the tears that had fallen from her eyes, she looked in her bag for something. As we approached the first floor to get off, she handed me a picture of the sonogram. "I love you Nino, but you gotta see what it's like to be without me for a while." She stepped off the elevator and headed for the door. I had really lost Britt, she was gone.


Chase's POV

"Baby, you know I love you?" Parker asked me as I sat in between his legs on the roof of his house, we gazed at the stars for our last night in Compton. I giggled.

"Of course Parker, I know that. I've always known that." He kissed on me.

"No Chase, like for real, I'd die for you girl, I'd give anything to be with you. You got my heart, and I couldn't stand to be without you. I never felt this way about nobody, and I promise you with every breath in me, I will do nothing but love, protect, and honor you." Parker hugged me tightly. It was like a hug you give someone before you say Goodbye forever. He was holding something back.

He released his grasp, and I turned to him. He had a single tear falling, I kissed it away. "Parker what's going on baby, talk to me?"

"I'm good, you know.. just got a nigga emotional girl" he laughed and tried to play it off.

"Uh uh, no Parker, no lies remember, honesty and loyalty." I stared him in his eyes for a few minutes and then he looked away.

"I'm scared Chassia.. I'm-I'm terrified." he said slightly above a whisper.

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