The Fault in the Entire Universe

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Sometimes it feels like people are always there to make your life as difficult as possible. Be it through shamelessly flirting with you, calling you out for sounding desperate or simply through scribbling some very annoying letters. And then there are other days where you feel like literally the universe has it against you. Like you know how they say in those horoscope mumbo-jumbo when the stars are all aligned and the planet Jupiter or something is in front of the Sun today and so your day will be absolutely brilliant because of that. Yeah well it feels like the whole cosmos are as misaligned as possible and probably the only alignment there is that it spells "Mess up Layla's life". That's literally how I feel today. Especially in Literature.

I got to Literature with Asher and Ashleigh only to realize that there were literally no benches for all three of us to sit together as I just remembered it was all in pairs. So that meant that one of us had to sit apart. With other people. I wanted to sit with Ashleigh but I didn't really mind. As long as I didn't sit next to Asher - considering how annoying Asher was yesterday in Lit. Asher noticed that there was one empty pair of seats and the only other seat was next to none other than (you guessed it!) Demetri Angelos.

I didn't even have time to react before Asher dragged Ashleigh and rushed to the two seats. Ashleigh looked perplexed at first until she sat next to Asher and looked at where Asher was looking. Then she broke out into a fit of laughter.

Ever heard of the phrase if looks could kill? Yeah well I made sure to glare at both Asher and Ashleigh with daggers in my eyes.

"Layla, if you could please be so kind as to take your seat so that we can finally start with our class," Miss Kathryn probed me with a slight annoyance in her voice.

Aw man. I really liked Miss Kathryn and I didn't want to get in her bad books. That was probably the only thing that pushed me to drag my feet towards Demetri's table.

Demetri had a smirk on his face as I walked to him. I don't know why this boy was so smug. It's not like I was walking down the aisle to get married to him or something. He really needs to go and deflate his brain of all the ego and excessive self-assurance he has in there. As I plonked myself next to him I fixated my sight to only Miss Kathryn, ignoring Asher's cheeky smile at me, Ashleigh's wide grin as well as Demetri's expectant looks in my direction.

"Okay class, today we'll be exploring Act 1 Scene 1! So before I start explaining to you the themes we'll be covering in this scene how about you guys take 5 mins to discuss with the person sitting next to you about what themes and ideas Shakespeare is conveying in this scene. So it's a rather long scene and I'll be splitting the class in half, this side will do lines 1 to 105 and this side will do the rest. Alright, get discussing!" Miss Kathryn started us off, gesturing to Asher's side for the first half and mine for the second.

I wasn't ready to start a conversation with Demetri yet, so I quietly flipped to Act 1 Scene 1, line 106. I read the first few lines and I remebered this part. And I hated that I had to discuss this part with him.

"Shall we read the lines together?" Demetri offered, raising his eyebrows suggestively.

"There's no romantic exchange in this scene you moron. Anyways, I've already read this part, unlike you. It's still fresh in my head," I declined without a moment's hesitation.

"Woah there Miss Know-it-All, I was just asking!" he defended himself, putting his arms up for effect.

"Don't call me that," I snapped at him. "Anyways let's just get to discussing  points about this scene - the sooner we end this the better." I added that last part under my breath.

The scene was about Romeo exasperatedly lamenting about his unrequited love for this girl by the name of Rosaline. (If you're  wondering who she is cause you haven't read/seen the play and from what you know he should be in love with Juliet, well yeah it's okay she never appears anyways.) The whole thing is just so cheesy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2016 ⏰

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