Funny First Day

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I hate guys. Well, okay maybe I'm exaggerating a tad bit when I say this. After all, some of my closest friends are guys. Or should I say they were. I really don't know what's wrong with me. Everything was going smoothly before I messed it all up. Anyways, that's not the point. The point is here I am trying to rush to my first class in a new college and this guy slams right past me from the opposite direction. The worst part is he didn't even have the decency to say "Sorry"! Seriously? Would it kill you to be polite? So thanks to Jerk McIdiot over here, I had to pick up my pile of books and dash to class. It didn't help that my stamina was as good as a sloth. I entered into class as discretely as possible, right before the bell rang. Thank goodness! I didn't want to make a bad impression in Averton Sixth Form College. Yes I managed to get into Averton. They say it's the most renowned college in Bradford but honestly I'm just trying to make my parents proud here.

I was pretty impressed with Averton so far. And the classrooms did not disappoint either. The whole school was painted in dynamic colours with a soft touch so that it didn't seem like it was a pre-school. The architecture was remarkable and went down to little details such as a lion's face carved on every door. The lion is the school's mascot. Regal and proud like most of the people in Averton. At least, that's how they come across to me. But it doesn't matter how the people are like. I only hope I get a decent teacher and pass out from the school with satisfactory results.

Speaking of teachers, my new English Literature teacher just walked into the class and boy was she gorgeous. Her face was glowing despite the little make-up she used and her smile was radiant. She had a slender figure and was wearing a floral top with a long skirt and ankle boots. She could've easily been mistaken as Victoria Secrets' model incognito.

"Good morning class, my name is Ms Kathryn and I'll be guiding you guys to an A for your A's!" she announced jovially.

Her cheery voice told me that Literature lessons were going to be very interesting. She gave a brief introduction about herself and went on to discuss some important things to note about Literature.

I was too engrossed in the lesson that I didn't quite notice that guy beside me was the same guy who had bumped into me, that is until he nudged me.

"I'm sorry but what is your problem?" I asked, absolutely irked.

"What?" he asked, puzzled.

He seriously wasn't making a good impression. Why was he looking at me baffled? He nudged me!

"Well, you nudged me, so what is it?" I asked, keeping a straight face though I was beyond annoyed by this boy for distracting me from Ms Kathryn's lessons.

"Oh I did? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm just a little fidgety when I'm bored," he explained, with a goofy smile plastered on his face.

Wow. He really was oblivious to my irritation. After all he still hadn't apologised for earlier.

"Yeah and rude too," I muttered under my breath.

"What?" he prodded. "Oh wow, yeah how rude of me. Sorry my name's Asher West. And you are...?"

"Layla Shay," I curtly replied.

"Er Layla, are you okay?"

The nerve of this boy!

"Hmm I don't know Asher, some guy crashed into me in the hallway just now, caused me to be almost late and still didn't have the courtesy to apologise.

"Wow. Hey I crashed into some girl just now too! But I was rushing and...Oh. Haha well this is awkward. Damn, I'm sorry Layla. I was in a rush and I didn't think you'd be that upset over it," he mumbled guiltily and flashed a small apologetic smile.

Finally, it dawned on him! Well he isn't the brightest lad in town is he? However, his pearly whites gave his smile such sincerity I figured I'd forgive him.

"Yeah it's okay, this time," I conceded.

We focused back to Ms Kathryn as she listed out some of her favourite people in Literature. Right now she was praising Shakespeare's timeless plays. Her knowledge for the subject seemed profound and her interest genuine. I couldn't help but be hooked by her lesson. Apparently I seemed to be alone on this. The other guys in class were ogling Ms Kathryn while the girls were gossiping about her fashion sense. Then Asher was sitting beside, struggling to stay awake. Well, at least I enjoyed class.

At the end of class, Ms Kathryn dismissed us and suddenly Asher's eyes widened. It almost seemed as if the class ending gave him a burst of energy. He looked at me expectantly. And I returned it with a look of confusion.

"So, what other subjects do you take?" Asher asked, running his hand through his jet black hair.

"Well, I take Media, Psychology and Math. You?" I replied.

I was genuinely curious. It was pretty obvious he didn't like Literature. So what subject could this silly guy like?

"I take Math too! Other than that I take Music and Physical Ed."

"So you have a knack for Music? Do you play any instruments?"

"Yeap, the guitar mostly," he said.

He was pretty humble about it. It was as if he didn't want to elaborate but I could tell he had interest. His eyes twinkled as he answered.

"Oh speaking of music I need to get to music class now. Later layles!" he suddenly hastened off in the other direction.

Layles? Well that's a new nickname. I smiled as he dashed to his class, once again bumping into someone else. Well, maybe not everyone here is too bad I guess.


Hey so what do you guys think? I'm an absolute newbie at this so go ahead and give comments. Also vote for this if you liked what you just read. I feel this was too short. I'm hoping I will get the hang of it and improve later.

And so a new character has been introduced! How do you like Asher? Do you think he's the one? Leave your comments below! :)

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