Who ARE you?

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I was so happy that Maths was the last lesson. I was too annoyed with everybody to actually endure another minute let alone another lesson in school. On my way back I started to question if Averton really was my smartest decision.

But before I could dwell on that any further I had reached home. Grateful to find the home to myself, I kicked off my shoes and headed to the kitchen to first grab my snacks (What can I say? I love my food) and then off to laze in the sofa as I watched my favourite youtubers on my phone. After what seemed like hours of laughing non-stop to Superwoman's epic puns and acting, I was interrupted with a loud yell.

"Layla Shay, get off your phone NOW and get your butt here!" my mother's voice ringed through the hallways.

"Yeah in a bit!" I answered back, I wanted to finish the video.

"If I have to get you, somebody's gonna get hurt real bad tonight," my mother threatened.

And that somebody wasn't about to make her day more crappier than it already was.

I scrambled out of my seat and ran towards her voice from the kitchen. There, standing before me was a furious woman, glaring at me as though I had cussed her off instead of asking for a bit of extra time.

Before I could say a word my mother started off like a train.


"Well...not really"

"Don't even try to sass me young lady. Your first day of sixth form and you still cannot start behaving like it!"

"What are you talking about?"

"I don't care I want this place cleaned up and the food BACK IN THE CUPBOARD. Seriously are you not worried about your health? And you've been putting on so much weight!"



I started picking up my things off the floor. I guess I was so annoyed with school and desperate for a break that I didn't think too much about anything else. I dragged all of my things to my room and dumped it there. At least my mom wouldn't have much to say in that case.

I went back to the living room to grab the Oreos and Pringles to be put back inside the cupboards.

Oh well that was as much fun as I was going to get today. Technically yes that whole situation could've been avoided because mom always comes back at 5pm and I knew her expectations of the house. But what's done is done. I got into my room and shut the door, metaphorically shutting myself from the world. But was I really?

Because in my bedroom, as I switched on my computer I was practically connecting myself to the entire universe. Okay LOL maybe I was. But so what, social media is a great place. Except facebook, that place is haunted by my family.

I started checking my twitter as I blasted One Direction's latest song, Steal My Girl, on my speakers. It was the usual random-ness of twitter with crazy vines and sarcastic tweets. I saw this really epic vine about a girl breaking into Soulja Boy. It's ridiculous. I definitely retweeted that. But there also seemed to be this new thing everyone was talking about, everyone on my newsfeed at least: formspring. Apparently it's a site for people to question you about anything and everything. Seemed silly to me. So I just scrolled past that. I mean why would I need that right?
After plenty of scrolling I decided to go find out more about these Averton people I just met. I figured as much as I hate Facebook, it would be the easiest to find them. I started of easy with Asher and Ashleigh and found their profiles within seconds. So apparently Ashleigh was quite the braniac coming from a well-established and prestigious high school but Asher's profile didn't give much away about him except his funny posts and shares that perfectly reflect his personality. That's what I love about social media - you have the power to reveal who you really are or contruct this contorted picture of yourself you want people to see. It's all really in your hands and as far as strangers come and go they'll never now and probably will never have to.

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