Pressure pushing down on us.

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Justin -Pov- 

Sighing lying back into the car seat, running my fingers through her hair began to think about what usher said back in that cabin, i can't let him hurt her. The sweat began drip down my forehead as we reached back into LA, still stroking Jessica hair trying not to wake her. 

"Mom you've got to believe me" i said once more, Mom didn't even turn to me, she kept looking forward her eyes stuck on the sunset gazing down into the ocean.

"Please Mom talk to me" 

Mom's lips where pieced together not moving to my silent cries for her to believe me. She still didn't turn to me like i wasn't there. 

Tears began to roll down my cheeks softly leaning back into my seat not mention anymore of the story.

Jessica -pov-

Feeling water running down my face, moved my head slightly, wiping my cheeks and pushed up softly. "Why you crying" i asked, placing my hand on his cheek. 

Justin shook his head, meaning nothing "its ok babe go back to sleep" i couldn't even sleep knowing Justin was feeling like this. 

"Please tell me" so quiet and low, so only Justin could hear Justin just stared blankly out of the car window. 

My heart began to crush to little pieces with out him seeing. 

The journey back home was long and and dull since Justin didn't bother talk to me whole way back, he kept gazing out the window at same spot. 

Didn't even turn to me, when i placed my hand on his cheek his eyes following the colors of the sunset in his eyes. 

-Pattie's point of view-

We reached back to my house, and finally could rest my head knowing the kids was alright. To my confusion, the front door to our mansion was opened. 

"Scooter" calling him over and pointing to front door "did you invite anyone while we was out" i asked. 

Scooter shakes his head, "Nope" he plopped the p and looked back to the front door "then who is in my house"  asked in anger. 

Scooter shrugged his shoulders and watched as i pulled out huge metal pole from side of the garage. 

"Are you mental you can't go in there" scooter said panicking, rolling my eyes and turning to him. "Do you have any better idea's Mr captain obvious" i asked gripping tightly on the pole.

Scooter looked down not answering to my question.  "I thought so" replying to his silence and walking to the house. 

Entering the house and walking around holding the pole tightly in my grip, my heart began to beat 10x faster and my head was racing with thoughts. 

Maybe Justin was right about Usher, or maybe i'm going loony tunes, and the fame has gone to his head. 

Keeping tightly hold of the metal pole and turning around each direction scared, i heard noise from kitchen. 

In horror movies, they always go to investigate well i ain't dumb chick with a phone asking "who is this". 

Maybe the victims on horror films should get advice from me, Putting my hands on the pole and leaning on it for support in my thoughts. 

I mean, i'm surviving this son of a idiot might get lead role like Sindy Prescott. Doubt it i wouldn't even last five seconds with freddie or jason.

"show your self" shouting around the house, tired of playing this silly game of hide and seek. "come out where ever you are?" shouting once more getting annoyed with his/she's game.


turning around see guy in mask and hit me on head with vase.  Just my luck right.

Scooter: -pov-

Pattie was taking forever my nerves began to get best of me, what happened if she's been hold hostage or something. Maybe she's in scary movie like one in scream, where they do remake of stab. 

Please god, don't let this happen........ i've never done anything bad, expect signing pys to record label, he's one hit wonder. People reckon shrugs, he sells i get money. 

Justin: -pov- 

Watching Scooter argue with him self was quiet amusing, haven't laughed in while. Jessica was back asleep on my chest breathing softly, i fell for right girl. Lost in my thoughts my iphone rang, picking it up and rubbing my forehead from huge bruise Usher felt like giving.


"what's good scary movie"

Confused by the voice on end of the line, i checked on Scooter who was now began to pace up and down the stone floor road to our mansion. 

"who is this"

"your worst nightmare" voice began to snicker in laughs, the person voice cold and dry. 

Voice laughs stopped and became back to serious once more, "i have your mom here with me she's pretty" he snickered down the line.

"don't touch her" growling in my throat appeared from no where making me push up. 

"why shouldn't i, a afraid of your new father justin" he said his voice going lower.

 "What do you want"

"let's play a game" 

"what kind of game" 

"mother meets death game"

Dropping my iphone on the floor nearly knocking jessica off my knees, i grabbed the iphone once more. 

"where is she"

Voice snickered and took a breath and spoke once more, "you won't find us" 

Before i could say anything the line went flat. 



:3 comment fan vote thank you!

pattie is in a mess. :o 

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