-Chapter Three-

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Direct Messages

  To :@Harry_Styles  

Too soon to want to talk again? I left it a few days… seem less desperate ;)    

From: Harry_Styles  

Definitely not :D I didn’t actually think you’d talk to me again, I’m honoured!


To: @Harry_Styles

 So, Harry styles, get rid of that awful picture of my band mates and myself and place a picture of you, I want to make sure I’m not talking to an old man…


Doodle Jump


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Your Name: TommoPower

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 @Louis_Tomlinson: Thanks to @GossipCentralHQ for a very original interview, and remember to buy the mag for our interview!!

 @Louis_Tomlinson: plus I think @Harry_Styles should do what I say before I steal Liams turtle and hold it ransom.

 @Real_Liam_Payne: I don’t know who @Harry_Styles is, but do as @Louis_Tomlinson says, he’s only got one front foot!! Take mercy! 

@Harry_Styles: @Real_Liam_Payne @Louis_Tomlinson you’re awful Louis, that poor turtle

@Nouisisnobromance2: Who is @Harry_Styles?

@Nouisislife54: @Nouisisnobromance2 @Harry_Styles no idea but he looks like a fan!!
















New Direct Message


From: @Harry_Styles

 You don’t really wanna see that honestly! But I can promise you I am in fact 19

To: @Harry_Styles

Don’t be stooopid :) you know what I look like, it’s only fair

Stranger Danger (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now