-Chapter Nineteen-

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From: PieLovingSimon234@E-mail.com

To: LouisTommoTomlinson@E-mail.com, LiamThemagicTurtle@E-mail.com , NiallHoranmotherfukaa@E-mail.com , ZaynDjMalik1992@E-mail.co.uk


Hey boys, as you know it’s time for the party. Well I’m going to need your help.

Liam, I need your organising skills to help me set up the bouncy castle and ball pit. Also you’re pretty strong so… carrying stuff and stuff.

Niall you can be his little bitch as usual…

Zayn I know you won’t come because no one ever knows where you are…. Probably dressing up as a woman pretending you’re in little mix.

And Louis STAY AWAY, you know what happened last time, I don’t want another elephant in the building thank you very much.

Now I’m going to be away at the pie shop next door to the venue and Liam I expect you to do all the work.

See you later

Uncle Si


From: Liam :P [2.14p.m 31/03/13

Listn 2 Simon 4 once Lou

To: Liam :P [2.15p.m 31/03/13]

Well I was going to stay on the bus but now I’m not sure I will. I wanna come now.

From: Liam :P [2.15p.m 31/03/13]

Well Im sre Harry cn help u wif tht. Jst stay away frm the venu.

To: Liam :P [2.16p.m 31/03/13]

Well that was inappropriate, I’ve taught you well my friend. Very well I will stay on the bus. Maybe.

From: Liam :P [2.16p.m 31/03/13]

Thnks, tlk l8r thn bye


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